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Hybridizing Your Lab Course

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1 Hybridizing Your Lab Course
David Angel Martinez, M.S. Ed.D. Department Chair of Physics & Engineering College of the Canyons

2 What is Hybrid? Content delivery utilizing both on-ground and on-line teaching resources. Content Management System (Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, Etudes, etc.) Videos (Instructor created, freely accessible media, publisher provided) Typical hybrid course is split 50/50 with between online and on- ground content Can be adjusted as instructor sees fit

3 Starter Questions Why go hybrid?
There may be content that an instructor delivers that may be better suited in an online delivery format Ancillary material can sometimes cause lectures to be rushed or jam packed full of topics that have to be covered Better online resources (OER, live chat, write over talk software, etc.) Students are more open than ever to different teaching techniques

4 Concerns? If you were to take your lecture/lab Physics or Engineering course and hybridize it, what concerns would you have?

5 My Course(s) PHYSIC 221: Electricity & Magnetism for Scientists and Engineers PHYSC 222: Heat, Waves, & Optics for Scientists and Engineers 100% on-ground class meets twice a week 3 hours each class meeting Second meeting of the week is reserved for labs The hybrid course meets once a week One 3 hour class session Each week a quiz and lab are administered.

6 My Styles 100% on-ground Hybrid (50/50)
Traditional lecture over PowerPoint Video lecture Problems detailed on whiteboard Problems detailed in video lecture Publisher animations Content Management System Groupwork Groupwork is E.C. Weekly quizzes Weekly Quizzes No HW Mastering Physics HW Demonstrations No Demos (yet!)

7 Getting Started Have your lectures “canned” and ready to go.
“canned”, but still natural, as you would be in class Get comfortable with your stylus/writing paraphernalia Get comfortable with speaking into a microphone/headset Find a video capture software system (Camtasia, Doceri, etc.) You will probably have to get trained in the system unless you like to tinker around with software and figure things out yourself (like me) Remember that mistakes can be edited out However, too many mistakes will make editing inefficient and starting over is suggested Practice, practice, practice.

8 Things to Keep in Mind The course that you are hybridizing requires a Distance Learning Addendum Mistakes will be made You can edit them, but they also make you more relatable to the student Keep the Powerpoints simple, yet informative, with enough space for you to write as you would in the classroom Own your material and watch your pacing (too fast/too slow) Recording/editing/uploading an hour of lecture typically takes about 3-4 hours of time Plan your recordings out and don’t try to crunch them all in a weekend

9 Let’s take a look at some of my works in progress
.mp4 files uploaded to YouTube Blackboard CMS MasteringPhysics

10 Camtasia Basics Recording and editing with Camtasia

11 Hybrid Expectations On a weekly basis, students are to:
View the video lecture at the beginning of the week Play and review associated animations Complete a MasteringPhysics HW assignment (due the following week) Review the lab for the week (due in class) Complete groupwork for E.C. (due the following week)

12 Does every student meet these expectations?
Of course not! But are they meeting expectations in the on-ground course as well, or is it because of the hybrid format? Slightly lower performance compared to the on-ground course has been documented Continuing to seek innovative ways to deliver hybrid content.

13 Fall 2016 course reorganization
The hybrid course is to meet twice a week, instead of once a week. Each class session will be an hour and 20 minutes. The first meeting of the week will be dedicated to quizzes, key topics with boardwork, and groupwork. The second meeting of the week will be dedicated to lab Each lab will be reduced to fit the time allotment

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