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6th Grade LT and BR LT - Today I will take a summative test to show what I know about theme and main idea. BR – Looking at the who/what did what determines:

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Presentation on theme: "6th Grade LT and BR LT - Today I will take a summative test to show what I know about theme and main idea. BR – Looking at the who/what did what determines:"— Presentation transcript:

1 6th Grade LT and BR LT - Today I will take a summative test to show what I know about theme and main idea. BR – Looking at the who/what did what determines: A.) the theme of the story B.) the plot of the story C.) the character of the story D.) the main idea of the story

2 Theme vs Main Idea Theme Main Idea
The message about life that the author is trying to tell us. Examples – No matter how difficult something may be, do not give up. Family is important, because in the end it is all that we have. It is better to be truthful than to lie. What the story is mostly about; the who/what, did what. Examples – A boy and his dog go on adventures in time. A girl moves and must learn to make new friends.

3 Test Rules Do NOT write on the test. All answers must be written down on a sheet of paper. Write your first and last name, date, and period on the paper. Number from 1-21. NO TALKING AND NO CHEATING. When you finish, read a book! Glossary of Terms

4 Glossary of Terms (for questions 4-11)
Perseverance – to continue to do something no matter how difficult Honesty – to tell the truth Acceptance – to be accepting of people or circumstances Loyalty – to be faithful and loyal Courage – the ability to do something even if scary or dangerous Kindness – being nice and kind to others Compassion – caring and concern for the suffering or misfortunes of people Cooperation – working together

5 7th Grade LT and BR LT - Today I will learn about story elements to see what makes up a story. BR – Make a list of what you think are story elements.

6 Vocabulary with KIM Chart Vocabulary Beat Maker
Story Elements Flocabulary Video Vocabulary with KIM Chart Vocabulary Beat Maker Read & Respond/Quiz as GAME!!!

7 In front of the class, teach a concept about story elements.
Closing In front of the class, teach a concept about story elements.

8 8th Grade LT and BR LT - Today I will analyze how dialogue or incidents in a story create action, character traits, and decisions. BR – What is dialogue?

9 Dialogue and Incidents
READY Book pg Guided assistance

10 Closing In front of the class, teach a concept about dialogue and how it affects the story.

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