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The Cold War: Arms Race & Space

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1 The Cold War: Arms Race & Space

2 Arms Race Sept 1949: USSR tested atomic bomb
Nov: Communists take China… Work began to create hydrogen bomb Mutually assured destruction: hoped to build up enough weapons to avoid actually using nuclear devices Duck and Cover (1951) – Bert the Turtle B-29 flying over Alaska detected unusual atmospheric radiation.. Radiation cloud drifting eastward from direction of Siberia. We had thought they were years away  USA no longer has monopoly on atomic weapons… 1952: US tested first hydrogen bom. Soviets tested one of their own in 1953. More bombs and tests followed; most of the tests happened aboveground, spewing radioactive waste into atmosphere. Atomic testing in the west led to increased atmospheric radiation and long-range health problems for ppl living downward of test sites Duck and Cover:

3 Eisenhower’s New Policies
1952: Dwight Eisenhower becomes Prez. (R) Adopted lots of Truman’s F.P. but focused on stockpiling nuclear weapons  helped save $$ Secr. State John Foster Dulles: policy of massive retaliation Brinkmanship: going to brink of war to protect vs. communism Ike’s policy drew criticism: conservatives felt like downgrading conventional forces would weaken American defense; liberals feared that preparing for nuclear war made such a war more likely US would respond to communist threats to its allies by threatening to use crushing, overwhelming force, perhaps even nuclear weapons

4 Bye, Stalin Stalin dies March 1953
Successor: Nikita Khrushchev  not as suspicious/ cruel; wanted more “peaceful co-existence” Hungarian revolt 1956 Khrushchev responds brutally  sends Soviet soldiers, tanks to crush rebellion. Executed leaders, killed hundreds of other people US watched in horror  couldn’t respond w/ nuclear weapons to help Hungary gain independence.

5 Suez Crisis Egypt wants to build dam on Nile River
US/GB say ok, but Egypt recognizes PRC & talks to USSR  US says no Egypt nationalizes Suez Canal (under gov’t control) Threatens oil flow GB + FR + Israel use force to seize Canal Ike mad; counted on US support  must withdraw

6 CIA (1947) helped protect US interests abroad
Eisenhower Doctrine (Jan 1957): US would use force to help any Middle Eastern nation threatened by comm. CIA (1947) helped protect US interests abroad CIA created in 1947 to gather information/ intelligence. Eisenhower gave it a new task  covert operations to protect American interests. Aided coups to install new gov’ts (Iran, 1953; Guatemala, 1954). Helped place anticommunist leaders in power but also created long-term resentment vs. USA

7 Space Race Oct 1957: Sputnik 1 satellite launched by USSR {video}
PANIC. National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) to coordinate space-related efforts of science/military One month later, launched larger satellite carrying a dog to see how living creatures would react to life in outer space. No way to return the satellite to earth, so Laika died in orbit… Launch of Sputnik: Freaked Americans OUT  long thought superior technology would beat the USSR. But what if the space technology gave them the rocket power to alunch missiles into American cities? State of crisis  approved National Defense Education Act ($1 billion) to produce more scientists, engineers, science teachers. Loans for HS/ college grads to continue education in science.

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