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Women and Minority Rights

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Presentation on theme: "Women and Minority Rights"— Presentation transcript:

1 Women and Minority Rights

2 What is feminism? Are we equal today?
What differences do you see for men and women in the following: Education (classes like math and science, access to education around the world) Employment (types of job, pay) Childcare (stay at home mom, maternity leave) Appearance (make-up, clothing, hairstyles, colors for certain genders?) QBjWYDTs (Always, “Like a Girl” Campaign) lyymTRVKw (Malala Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech) Feminism= The advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes Sexism= Prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex

3 Title IX What if a man wants to play a woman’s sport and vice versa?
What sports are traditionally associated as “Men only” or “Women only”? What sports are acceptable for both sexes to play? What if a man wants to play a woman’s sport and vice versa? Men Both Women

4 Viva La Causa Watch the following documentary that follows the struggle for migrant workers in the 1960s and the fight they waged for their civil rights

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