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Core Competency 1 Courtney Holland.

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1 Core Competency 1 Courtney Holland

2 Core Competency 1 Identifying as a professional social worker and conduct oneself accordingly.

3 Practice Behavior 1.1 Advocate for client access to the service of social work I have looked into many different treatment facilities that help low income clients get placed. Also helping clients access free care (i.e. AA/NA).

4 Practice Behavior 1.2 Practice personal reflection and self-correlation to assure continual professional development. I continue to check with my supervisor about group topics and how to fill out new paperwork that needs to be done.

5 Practice Behavior 1.3 Attend to professional roles and boundaries.
I continue to realize that I do not have all the answers for the clients here. I make sure not to counsel them and continue to only give help when it is within my range to do so.

6 Practice Behavior 1.4 Demonstrate professional demeanor in behavior.
Confidentiality is the number one goal at the agency. I make sure to not divulge information about clients to people who are not a part of the treatment plan.

7 Practice Behavior 1.5 Appearance and Communication
I always come to work in professional clothes and speak in a way that I would want a professional to speak to me if I was on the other side of the table.

8 Practice Behavior 1.6 Engage in career long learning and use supervision and consultation. I continue to take time to sit down with my supervisor weekly to check on my progress. If I am ever in a position where I do not know what to do I ask my supervisor for guidance.

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