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UPDATE TOC 3-6 PhET Fisson lab Rube Goldberg 123

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2 UPDATE TOC 3-6 PhET Fisson lab 121 3-15 Rube Goldberg 123
3-15 RG check points





7 Tasks… Pour a cup of confetti
Take a picture of a person and post it on Snapchat Place a golf ball on a tee Select, Crush and Recycle and Empty Soft Drink Can Flip a switch to turn on a light Raise and wave a flag

8 Guidelines… Begin with a pendulum
Lever, wheel and axle, pulley, incline plane Electric circuit 10 steps Theme-judgement call Your machine must operate no less than 30 seconds or longer than 90 seconds (a minimum of 40 seconds for Honors students) 10 second delay and a 10 honors 5 x 5 square area- no height requirement

9 ADVICE NOT A Requirement
SAVE YOUR BACON VIDEOS Every time you test your device record it on your phones When you have a successful run, makes time, and is complete turn in this video Reason: When you present your device for the judges if it doesn’t work and you get points deducted I can grade the video instead

10 Requirements All machines must begin with the use of a pendulum.
Your device must include all four simple machines (lever, wheel and axle, pulley, and incline plane) and your device must be labeled where each is being used. Your device should be primarily mechanical—but specific parts (such as your theme) MAY be powered by dc (battery) electricity of 1.5V or less (no series). You will be allowed to set your device in motion but, after that, it must run on its own. Your device must be as inefficient and complex as you can make it. At a minimum of at least ten (10) clearly identifiable steps. However, you may add more steps as the more interesting it will be—and the more points you may earn.

11 Requirements You must develop a unifying theme that ties your project together. old movie lyrics from a favorite song to…anything! Your device should be planned and decorated in such a way that your theme is obvious to anyone who looks at it.

12 Requirements Electronic Requirement: Your device must include an electrical circuit with a switch that is part of the steps but may not be more than 1.5V (one AA, AAA, C, or D battery). It may turn the circuit on or off. Your device must have components that use potential energy, kinetic energy, and one electrical component and must be labeled where each is being used. Your device cannot include any open flame. Your device must be contained within 5 feet by 5 feet of floor space

13 Requirements Your device must have components that use:
potential energy, kinetic energy, and one electrical component Must be labeled where each is being used.

14 Requirements A typed report (See Word Bank), or script, describing in detail what is occurring at every step this should include: How the machine works Forces Mechanical advantage Energy transfers Machines If you create a video you must turn them in PRIOR to Rube Goldberg night

15 DO NOT PROCRASTINATE You have been given this task early so that you have plenty of time. This can be a fun task if you stay on top of things and meet each checkpoint Procrastination will lead to frustration and you will not enjoy the project This task takes lots of planning and tweaking so stay on top of things

16 Money Your device should be planned and decorated in such a way that your theme is obvious to anyone who looks at it. This does not mean you should spend lots of money. You can; color with markers, use construction paper, Use anything I have that’s been donated etc. This project is not about spending money it is about using random items around your house. Spending large amounts of money goes against the goal of the project and does not give you a better grade.

17 HOW WILL IT BE SCORED? Your project will be scored as follows:
10 Clearly identifiable steps X 10 points each 100 typed explanation Device runs to completion with no outside intervention 20 (One intervention—15, Two interventions—10) Points for all four simple machines Points for three forms of energy Electrical Circuit with switch (-5 points if it did not function and must intervene) Device has a clearly defined theme You are present on Rube Goldberg Night TOTAL

18 WHEN IS THIS DUE? Check points along the way:
Tuesday, April 2 Check Point #1 Pick task Select theme Begin Sketches Tuesday, April 23 Check Point #2 Finalize sketches Deadline for partner switches Parent letter discussion (signed 4 points in Gradebook)

19 WHEN IS THIS DUE? Check points along the way:
Tuesday, April 30 Check Point #3 Evidence of work Work on Devices Test and adjust Parent initial (4 points in gradebook)

20 WHEN IS THIS DUE? Check points along the way:
Tuesday, May 7 Check Point #4 Evidence of work Work on Devices Test and adjust Parent initial (4 points in gradebook)

21 WHEN IS THIS DUE? Evidence of work Work on Devices Test and adjust
Check points along the way: Tuesday, May 14 Check Point #5 Evidence of work Work on Devices Test and adjust Parent initial (4 points in gradebook)

22 WHEN IS THIS DUE? Parent initial (4 points in gradebook)
Check points along the way: Friday May 24 Check Point #6 Device essentially complete—final tweaking Work on Devices Test/adjust Parent initial (4 points in gradebook)

23 WHEN IS THIS DUE? Wednesday, May 29th Rube Goldberg Event You MUST be present at the event!

Partners of two only (NOT THREE). While it is probably more convenient for members of a group to come from the same class, it is not required. If you can work out the logistical details, group members can come from any physical science class.

25 Partner disclaimer…. IMPORTANT POINT:
Choose your partner with GREAT CARE. In forming a partnership, you also agree that YOU BOTH WILL RECEIVE THE SAME PROJECT GRADE. If you are uncomfortable with this, then WORK ALONE. If you intend to partner up, make sure that they will contribute THEIR FAIR SHARE. Should squabbles occur, it is your responsibility to work it out, as INSTRUCTORS WILL NOT INTERVENE. Furthermore, once work status is set and recorded, NO CHANGES IN WORKING PARTNERSHIPS WILL BE ALLOWED.

26 HELPFUL HINTS…. Begin by going on-line.
Typing Rube Goldberg from the Google site will reveal an astonishing number of resources. You will notice that Rube Goldberg competitions have been around for many years; indeed, an engineering fraternity at Purdue University sponsors a national competition each year, with finalists often receiving media coverage by the major television networks.

27 Helpful Hints Think about a possible unifying theme. Use this to guide your progress. Make a number of preliminary sketches. Use pencil, as you WILL need to erase.

28 Helpful Hints Develop a materials list.
We recommend that you use materials that you already have on hand at home in garages and basements. You are strongly discouraged from spending large sums of money on this project as it won’t improve your score.

29 Helpful Hints Find a work site where your device will be built and tested. Be prepared to spend much time there, tinkering and finessing your device. Begin work as soon as you can. This project requires a lot of planning and building time. Procrastination will NOT serve you well. Have fun!!

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