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Dances Around The World

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Presentation on theme: "Dances Around The World"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dances Around The World
Brayden, Julian, and Sammie

2 Countries Around The World
Russia and India and Chile the-cueca/ Sweden Ireland

3 How many people did the dances?

4 Russia If they are poor they dance for people with money to entertain.
One person is a solo dance. Two people is a partner dance. A group is more people dancing in a circle or a line. Russia

5 There are usually one or two dancers.

6 There were two people together
There were two people together. Then more people gather around and make a circle. Chile

7 In a hambo dance there are a couple, which is 2 people.

8 Ireland There is 2 to 16 people, but there are normally 8.
If there are combined barrels then multiple people can play,but if there are lots of people and one barrell then only two people can do it.

9 What music did they listen to?

10 Russia The music starts slow and gets faster in the end.

11 India
The music contains shruti, swara, alankar, raga, and tala. These are Indian words for music. India

12 Chile They clapped their hands to the beat of the music.
They sang in spanish. Chile

13 Strong accent on the first beat. The song varies from moderate to fast
Strong accent on the first beat. The song varies from moderate to fast. They count to 8 and follow the beat to the polka music. Sweden

14 They used hard shoes to make music. Irish music is made by bodhran, guitar, whistle, and flute. Ireland

15 What were their costumes?

16 Russia They’re different costumes depending in where you live. A gakti is a collar band around your neck. Lunkra is a winter clothing. Boys wore shirts, belts, and boots. Girls wear aprons, shirts, boots, and a belt.

17 India The girls wore long skirts. They wore a sari which is a shall. They have a red dot between their eyebrows. The boys wore a long jacket and wraps on their heads.

18 Chile The men wore a cowboy hat, poncho, and riding boots.
The women wore flower dresses and an apron. They both swung white handkerchief above their head.

19 Sweden We could not find information on the costumes.

20 Ireland The hard shoes made music and the soft shoes did not. 4 different dances for soft shoes. The soft shoes were usually wore by girls. They wore nice clothes. Most girls wore wigs. Most men wore a shirt, a vest, and a tie.

21 Russia Sammie Europe and Asia

22 India Brayden Asia

23 Chile Julian South America

24 Sweden Sammie Europe

25 Ireland Brayden Europe

26 The End

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