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DOL Write a definition and sentence for each of these words: Gratify

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Presentation on theme: "DOL Write a definition and sentence for each of these words: Gratify"— Presentation transcript:

1 DOL Write a definition and sentence for each of these words: Gratify
Bolster Pithy

2 Announcements Are you passing? Check grades and talk to me ASAP if needed Having trouble with your service project? Any new obstacles? Please come talk to me as soon as they occur Remember I’m looking for: Effective planning and execution Candid reflection on learning Actual completion of goal: Did you truly help those you’d set out to help? HDYK? Extra credit scholarship application due today Friday: Current event due Service project update (individual assignment) Attend class every day: points for attendance from April 18th until May 22nd – these cannot be made up

3 Agenda DOL Pass back/review vocabulary quizzes Time to work as groups
Ms. Perez meets with each group to discuss progress, set standards for Phase 2, assist as needed

4 Looking forward Friday:
Current event Service project update EACH person turns one in, answers the following: How is the project going? Be specific. What have you done so far? Successes? Challenges? Are you working hard or hardly working? Why? How can I help you succeed? Wednesday, May 10th: Phase 2 of service project – agreement set by Ms. Perez and each group

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