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The Southern Colonies A tale of tabacco.

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1 The Southern Colonies A tale of tabacco

2 Late Comers

3 Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created a settlement.
It was unsupplied for several years. Disappeared. “Crotoan” carved into a tree. No one actually knows what happened… Question: Why would the English send more Supplies/people to North America?

4 Financing a colony Joint-Stock companies needed investors
The Virginia Company was granted charters This was a written agreement to own/govern a portion of land, granted by King to companies/individuals. Why do you think the government wanted to stay away from investing in the settlement of America?

5 Attempt #2: Jamestown, 1607 All male group No proper supplies…
Expected tribute Hardships: There was no gold… Starvation They built in a swamp… Disease… 38/120 men were alive after the first nine months.

6 This is a lie! Also, she dies.

7 Relations with natives
Powhatan, the chief was willing to be allies... Wanted tribute. Arranged a marriage btwn Pocahontas & John Rolfe. This failed This led to an era of warfare.

8 Cash crops Popularity of tobacco = opportunity for $$$
Tobacco requires a lot of land Need for land = expansion Expansion = tension with natives Taxes on tobacco helped England More colonists sent Southern climate = perfect for tobacco

9 Colonies Virginia = Tobacco South Carolina = Rice and Rice and Indigo
Yes, I see rice is on their twice. Maryland = Tobacco North Carolina = Rice and Tobacco Georgia = Indigo and Rice

10 Plantation System Nature of cash crops requires a lot of land.
Means fewer small farmers = wealthy Problems with cash crops? The headright system guaranteeing 50 acres of land for every indentured servant. The wealthiest people had the largest amounts of land, which would cause problems down the road…

11 Indentured servants Initially, Europeans could become indentured servants work for a set time, and get land/supplies. Men, mainly. They typically died young and alone. Few ever escaped poverty. What is the problem here?

12 The Importance of Counties
Size of landholdings = few cities. The House of Burgesses A representative, law-making body that could establish laws and levy taxes for the area. Land-owning men were able to participate. Most of the plantation colonies had county representation, not city representation.

13 Wrap Up

14 Wrap Up How does living in sparsely populated areas, like on plantations, affect the lifestyle of Southern colonists?

15 Homework

16 Create an advertisement for a Southern colony
Pick up worksheet

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