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Using Scratch to Develop Numeracy NCTE/Lero

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1 Using Scratch to Develop Numeracy NCTE/Lero

2 DAY 4 Using Scratch to Develop Numeracy
© PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013

3 Morning Session Learning Outcomes
Participants will be enabled to Use broadcasts and variables in a maze game Create quizzes in Scratch © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013

4 Afternoon Session Learning Outcomes
Participants will be enabled to: Explore Scoilnet and Encyclopaedia Britannica Use a timer Use sensing and the Looks palette Discuss the use of Scratch in the classroom Please refer to Tutor Guide for additional notes on the practical demonstration of Scoilnet and other Resources. Having spent some of the afternoon session on this topic, please revert to the Scratch activities as outlined in the manual. © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013

5 Practical Session © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013
PDST Technology in Education (formerly NCTE) websites It is important that participants in this Scratch course are also made aware of the myriad of other free ICT resources developed especially for Irish education, under the auspices of PDST Technology in Education (formerly NCTE). These should be introduced as resources that they may be able to use in conjunction with their Scratch projects, but also for the teachers’ general upskilling in the area of ICT in education. It is recommended that tutors come up with some specific examples of how the above sites can be used in the context of Scratch, e.g., using images from Imagebank or by searching Scoilnet for images, or using Britannica to find factual information for a quiz. Tutors should demonstrate some of the above sites live. These slides are intended to be a guideline. Participants should be given time to explore the sites here. Please also refer them to the participant materials which include a PDF on PDST Technology in Education (NCTE) sites with all of the above links. Encourage them to bookmark any useful resources etc. © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013

6 Practical Session - Scoilnet
A good overview The 10 ways to use Scoilnet ( is a good overview of what is available to teachers. There is a video tutorial available see PDF on PDST TiE (NCTE) sites Participants should be given time to explore Scoilnet. This session is envisaged as a tutor led demonstration followed by participant activity A few highlights Resources Most importantly at the top of the page you’ll see the Resource Finder. This is the “engine” of Scoilnet. It contains thousands of links to useful materials all of which have been classified by subject and class. For example, let’s say I pick ‘First and Second Class’ and select ‘English’ as the subject I’m interested in, and I look for Reading resources. I will get 10 pages of results returned with a little synopsis presented for each one. Just click on the link to visit that resource or click on the little green “i" to read more detailed information about it. Special needs resources have a little hand icon beside them. In addition, you can search for special needs resources only by ticking the box within the resource finder options. Our Sites Link to PDST TiE (NCTE) sites – highlight Imagebank, Scoilnet Maps, Webwise Encyclopaedia Britannica Available for free anytime, anywhere Separate slides Encourage participants to sign up Scoilnet Newsletter Primary Theme Pages Collections of useful links and resources organised into specific themes i.e. Spellings, fractions etc Look at Quizzes and Crosswords Scoilnet Storytime Storytime allows children to publish their own stories – encourage stories as Gaeilge. Good resource for literacy development © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013

7 Practical Session – Scoilnet Storytime
Accessed via the Primary section in the middle of the Scoilnet homepage Scoilnet Storytime Simple stories written by children Encourages creative writing Children can upload their stories with video or audio content – remind about copyright. © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013

8 Practical Session – Scoilnet Maps
Tutor Note: Allow participants to experiment with this site. You may want to highlight the video tutorials on the right hand side as a starting point. Please demonstrate the following: OSi Map Viewer Swipe and Spotlight tool Draw and Measure tool 5. The links are available on the PDST TiE (NCTE) PDF associated with this module. 4. There is also a good practice video showing Scoilnet Maps being used in primary school - Notes: Some restrictions apply to viewing the OSi maps outside of school -- teachers can use their Scoilnet Account to log-in and view those maps from non-school locations. The World mapping has no restrictions and is openly accessible both within and outside of school. The Scoilnet Maps website provides all primary and post-primary schools on the Schools Broadband Network with access to very high quality, digital Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSi) maps, World maps and aerial photographs. It is a highly interactive, visual and engaging tool to bring maps to life within the classroom. It is fast, responsive and has a simple interface that is suitable for students of all ages. It contains a suite of tools for use with the maps that support a wide variety of subjects, including Geography, History and Maths. It contains historical mapping from 1829 through to 2010 offers plenty of opportunities to look at change over time. It brings together a subset of curriculum-relevant, public sector data in a manner that is appropriate for teaching and learning. © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013

9 Practical Session – Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopaedia Britannica Please note: These slides are just intended to highlight key areas. The tutor should give a live demonstration of EB and allow participants time to explore the site. New look and feel to launch in late June. Preview available now - Link to walkthrough - Tutors should demonstrate: Note key areas – Foundation level is orientated towards primary school pupils and all content is age appropriate. Point out the Learning Zone – very popular with Junior Teachers. Indicate the ‘Discover Britannica icons and what they do. Show login area. Show search facility. © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013

10 Practical Session – Encyclopedia Britannica
Tutors should demonstrate: Highlight content type returned Note that results are returned with an appropriate reading level (1 – foundation (primary), 2 – intermediate (post primary), 4 – Advanced (adult) Run through each of the content types briefly © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013

11 Practical Session – Encyclopedia Britannica
Please highlight the following Tutor Notes Build in dictionary – double click on any word Useful tools – including increasing and decreasing font size Related resources tab Did you know fact box © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013

12 Practical Session – Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopaedia Britannica Tutor Notes Tutors should highlight the tools on the top right corner particularly the Learning Games tab © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013

13 Activity Activity 1: Open your web browser and type the following website address What is the current site of the week? What is the current most viewed primary resource? Activity 2: Open to learn about the six broadband filtering levels. The majority of schools are on Level 3, but some schools have moved to Level 4 in order to access YouTube. Discuss with other participants, the advantages and disadvantages of allowing YouTube in the classroom... Did you know there is a YouTube Safety Mode? Tutor Note: Choose from Activities 1, 2, 3 and/or 4 depending on time available and the ability and interest of your group. © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013

14 Activity Activity 3: Using the Resource Finder at find 3 resources that you could use to support the development of literacy in your classroom. Rate the resources using the following criteria. You may like to save them in your Delicious account. What is the name and web address of the resource? What area of literacy does the site address? What age group is it suitable for? How would you use it in your classroom? How would you rate the site? (1 (poor) to 5 (excellent)) © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013

15 Activity Activity 4: Open Scoilnet, click on Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Select the version most appropriate to your class. Search for a famous person using the search box. Click on any photo or image of the person returned. When the image opens, click the Cite Media button on the top right of the screen. Note the Citation Details which can be copied by you. A video tutorial for Encyclopaedia Britannica is available. Tutor Note: Remind participants that Encyclopaedia Britannica is now open to everyone. A direct link to the Britannica tutorial is also available on the next slide. © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013

16 Britannica tutorial Tutors may not have time to play the above tutorial. It can also be viewed by teachers in their own time. Under the new look Britannica, teachers may need to use the school code for login to the teachers area, which is D644. It’s the same code for all schools in Ireland so any Irish teacher logging into My Britannica will need to use this code. © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013

17 Discussion What online resources would you recommend for the classroom? Discuss What age group are the resources aimed at? What subject areas do the support? Invite participants to share ideas and compile a list of useful sites. © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013

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