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Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet of paper.

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1 Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet of paper.
Open your computer and begin logging on. Log on to iLit. Copy the following words on your paper. Circle their vowel sounds and slash any prefixes and suffixes I N C E N T I V E C A R N A G E Once you are logged on, go to: Interactive Reading



4 Unit: Media and Technology
Agenda Time (min.’s) Unit: Media and Technology Essential Question: How do you know it’s for real? 10 Interactive Reading 5 Vocabulary (Incentive, Carnage, Assemble, Subtle, Grueling) 15 Read Aloud Think Aloud The Virtual War(Make and review predictions) Classroom Conversation (If time permits) Whole Group (Discuss/ Review Visualizing) 35 Work Time (Chapter 12; Class Conversation Questions; Visualizing) Wrap-Up

5 Incentive: Something that encourages action or greater effort.
As an incentive for cleaning my pet cobra’s teeth, my mother gave me _______________. Carnage: The violent killing of many people. The people protested the carnage in the city and demanded ______________.

6 Assemble: to put together the parts or pieces of something
After Jason destroyed the ___________, he tried to assemble another one. Subtle: not immediately understood or obvious Lakayla’s answer to ___________ was very subtle. Grueling: Very difficult physically; tiring The _____________ was very grueling.

7 Lessons Words 1.16: Incentive: something that encourages action or greater effort Carnage: the violent killing of many people 1.17: Assemble: to put together the parts or pieces of something 1.18: Subtle: not immediately understood or obvious Grueling: Very difficult physically; tiring

8 Vocabulary 11-15 Industrious: busy, hard-working Urgent: needing to do or deal with something immediately Depressions: areas that are lower than the parts around it Recreate: to make or copy something that existed in the past Scoffed: expressed disgust for someone or something Agile: able to move quickly, lightly, and easily Squirmed: twisted one’s body because one is nervous or uncomfortable Pact: a formal agreement between two or more people, group or countries

9 Malfunction: when something doesn’t work properly
Vocabulary (Lessons 1-5): Arc: a curved path Maternal: motherly Malfunction: when something doesn’t work properly Indulgent: when someone gives another everything they want Diameter: a measurement across a circle Strategist: one who makes plans Occupied: filled or used space Perplexed: confused

10 Unit 1, Lessons 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Vocabulary
Conscientious: Taking cared to do something right. Rebuked: Scolded for doing something wrong. Spindly: long, thin and weak looking Prickly: easily annoyed or offended Flawless: without any mistakes or bad features Pleaded: asked for something in a very serious way; begged Transport: A system used for moving people or things from one place to another Sprint: the act of running or moving very fast for a short distance

11 RATA I read lessons from 1.16 (Predicting)

12 Visualizing Visualizing Word/Phrase Sense Pale pink Sight Cheeks so moist and fresh he wanted to touch them tasteless brain-potency mineral cereal plus Taste Her face hovered over him. She was pale pink, with cheeks so moist and fresh he wanted to touch them, with eyes that radiated love. She said, “If you don’t get up now, Corgan, you’ll be late for the War, and if you lose the War- no Isles of Hiva. Then the matter of my existence will become irrelevant.” “Right.” Wearily, he rolled out of bed and went to sanitize himself in the his Clean Room. Breakfast was tasteless brain-potency mineral cereal plus some chemical-laden juice that made him gag. “This drink is awful!” he exclaimed. You Do: Students continue to read chapter 12 and find at least 10 more words/ phrases that allow them to visualize the scenes.

13 Work Time: Students will be working independently on the following: Students read Chapter 12 of The Virtual War. Write down at least ten phrases/ words that help them visualize the scenes. Students answer the Classroom Conversation Questions. 3) Work on the Interactive Reader assignment sent to them (in Assignments). 4) Go to the Library. Click My Level. Choose a book to begin reading.

14 Conversation Starter Questions
1.16 Corgan refuses Sharla’s offer to cheat for him. For what reasons do you think he would be correct for refusing to allow Sharla to cheat for him? Mendor says, “there are reasons,” why the Virtual War has scenes of carnage. What do you think those reasons might be? 1.18 3. At the start of the chapter, a Council member says Corgan prefers the look of reality. Why does Corgan prefer reality over a virtual reality? 4. Do you think it’s possible that our world could end up like Corgan’s world sometime in the future? Why or why not?

15 Work Time: Students will be working in small groups with Mr. Kern: Silent Reading Comprehension Strategies

16 Wrap-Up: Do you think the ideas presented in The Virtual War are realistic? Continue working on your assignments as homework.

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