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Physics Class Collect How tall am I Lab

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1 Physics Class 8-11-2014 Collect How tall am I Lab
Daily Agenda Standard: Determine the conditions required for an object to remain in equilibrium. Collect How tall am I Lab Textbook distribution Read and make notes from Chapter 2, Equilibrium Complete Concept check questions 1- 20, page 24. Homework: Question of the day Why doesn’t the support force that acts on a book resting on a table cause the book to rise from the table. a. air resistance b. friction c. tension c. gravity Learning Target I can analyze a system and determine when an object is in equilibrium.

2 Honors Physics Class 8-11-2014
Daily Agenda Standard: Determine the conditions required for an object to remain in equilibrium. Collect How tall am I Lab Textbook distribution Read and make notes from Chapter 2, Equilibrium Complete Concept check questions 1- 20, page 24. Homework: Question of the day Why doesn’t the support force that acts on a book resting on a table cause the book to rise from the table. a. air resistance b. friction c. tension c. gravity Learning Target I can analyze a system and determine when an object is in equilibrium.

3 Honors Physical Science Class 8-11-2014
Daily Agenda Standard: Students will understand important features of the process of scientific inquiry. Return Lab Safety Test Students will: view the power- point presentation of the scientific method and make notes from the presentation. Review the definitions in student notebooks on Scientific Method. (See Friday 8/4) Homework: Complete the Lab Safety Poster and Essay Project It is due Friday Question of The Day 1. When writing a hypothesis the most important thing is to ask a question a. you already know the answer to. b. you know can be measured in an experiment c. Use important words Learning Target I can identify the main processes of scientific inquiry

4 Honors Human Anatomy and Physiology 8-11-2014
Daily Agenda Standard:S SAP1a Apply correct terminology when explaining the orientation of body parts and regions. Notes on Body Orientation Homework: Bring a Study Buddy to class on Tuesday Question of the day The proper term for the lower back is anterior b. posterior c. scapular d. lumbar Learning Target I can identify the body landmarks and use them to describe the location of a homeostatic imbalance.

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