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Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory

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2 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Planning in advance: When the publishing director arranges with the student leaders the city the team is going to work, they should talk about the main books students will sell and agree on it Way in advance before the students arrive in the field, the publishing director along with the HHES/ABC manager should sit together to plan the inventory for the student program The ordering of the books from the publishing houses must be done with enough time, so when students arrive, plenty of books are available

3 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Planning in advance: When there is a shortage or even a delay in supplying students and leaders with books, the reputation of the canvassing work will be bad and it will become difficult to recruit students for the next vacation

4 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Selling systems and book categories: There are two main selling systems utilized by the students when it comes to selling the books: 1- Presenting the books and taking orders for a latter delivery; 2- Presenting the books and selling them upfront (more on a donation basis) More expansive and even hard cover books are usually utilized in relation to the first system while soft cover and magabooks are used with the second system At the time when publishing directors and student leaders decide on the city where the campaign will take place, they should also discuss and decide which selling system will be followed by the team

5 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Selling systems and book categories: It is important to keep in mind the economic situation of the city where the campaign will take place when deciding on the kind of books that the team will work Beginners and less experienced LEs should always work with more economical and simple books while more experienced LEs could work with more expansive books Regardless the selling system to be adopted during the campaign, whether one of them or both, students should be trained to canvass with a set of books (three books are usually recommended)

6 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Selling systems and book categories: In the event a customer is not interested in the set of books presented, students can then offer the books featured in the folder with the book covers and the price list

7 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Selling systems and book categories: The set of books should consist of the following: 01 book on health; 01 book on education / family; and one spiritual / message book: Example of magabooks: Foods that Heal / or Plants that Heal Happy Couples A Future of Hope / or Steps to Happiness

8 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Selling systems and book categories: Example of hard cover books: Enjoy It / or 101 Secrets / or Less Stress Discover your Youth/ or For Adolescents and Parents / or For Raising your Child There is an Answer

9 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Selling systems and book categories: In addition to the regular set of books, students should carry good quantity of small books (such as Steps to Christ, Great Controversy / Great Hope, Memorable Encounters, etc.).

10 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Selling systems and book categories: Whenever the customers do not purchase the bigger books, students can offer these small books and ask for a donation to help them with food and transportation expenses

11 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Selling systems and book categories: All students must study the books and memorize the “canvass” / sales presentation before they start to go out canvassing Upon arrival in the field, each student should receive a package with the following material: One set of books that will be the official set to be sold One folder with alarming statistics along with a prospectus A written canvass that the student LEs should memorize One folder disclosing the book covers and a short description of them Order taking form pad Receipt pad Price list Sales report

12 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Processing and accounting for the books One important aspect to guarantee the economic health of the HHEs / ABC is the processing and accounting of books Not even a single book should leave the office / warehouse without being properly invoiced and accounted for There are two main ways for the HHES / ABC to process and account for the books: 1- Making individual invoices for each student; 2- Invoicing the leader and letting the leader control the books each student will receive and sell

13 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Advantages and disadvantages of both ways to process and account for the books: Making individual invoices for each student Advantages: The office will be able to know exactly the sales performance of each student The office will have better control of the scholarships the students are entitled to receive The students will feel more respected as they receive an invoice with their name on it

14 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Advantages and disadvantages of both ways to process and account for the books: Disadvantages: It´s more labor intensive for the office (HHES / ABC) that will need to prepare many invoices and the orders individually It will require the office to process many entries in the accounting ledger

15 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Advantages and disadvantages of both ways to process and account for the books: Invoicing the leader and letting the leader control the books each student buys and sells Advantages: The office will have less work as it will not need to prepare as many invoices and process as many entries in the accounting ledger The books will be shipped to the leader in bulk and not in individual parcels which represents less work for the office

16 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Advantages and disadvantages of both ways to process and account for the books: Disadvantages: The office will not have as much control over the sales of the students individually The leader will have much more work to do to keep record of everything and automatically will have less time to canvass with the students in the field

17 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Shipment of books and deliveries under the order taking system: When students will be presenting the books and taking orders, the leader must plan and coordinate with the team one or two main delivery dates, depending on the length of the campaign. This way, all students will make deliveries on those dates and will not be distracted to make deliveries frequently The delivery dates must occur during the day / days people are usually receiving their salaries (examples: at the end of the month, or at the first week of the month)

18 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Shipment of books and deliveries under the order taking system: Deliveries in different dates than those previously established, should be exceptions and only to accommodate customers who really would not be available on those dates

19 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Shipment of books and deliveries under the order taking system: The leader must collect the orders of all students and place a combined order with the office (HHES / ABC) with enough time to receive the books from the office / warehouse way before the delivery dates Leaders should make provision and always have enough inventory at the lodging facility not only of the small books and the three-volume set, but also carry a small quantity of the most important books featured in the folder / price list. This will help the students to improve their possibilities for selling and attending customers with specific needs.

20 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Shipment of books under the upfront selling system: When students will be canvassing with the upfront selling system (more on a donation basis), the dynamic for inventory is totally different The leader must work with the publishing director and arrange an initial quantity of books to be sent to the lodging facility before students arrive. This initial quantity should be enough to last until the middle of the campaign. Based on the performance of the team, the leader then makes a projection for the rest of the campaign and places another order in such a way that the team may almost finish selling all the books when the campaign is over and not many books are left to return to the office.

21 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Processing and accounting for the books Regardless the way chosen to process and account for the books, the leader is always responsible to settle the account of the entire team with the HHEs / ABC Students should be trained and educated to save and not make any purchases during the campaign. Clothes, shoes, devices and any other small or big purchases should be made only at the end of the campaign and after students can know the amount of money that is due to them

22 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Processing and accounting for the books At the beginning of the campaign, the leader should mention to the students all the rules of the campaign, including this one: that all moneys received (except the ones used for food and transportation) must be deposited with the leader

23 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Processing and accounting for the books Daily, the leader must follow up with the sales of each student. When coming back from the field, the first thing the leader should recommend students to do is to pray thanking God for the day; the second thing should be for the students to prepare and hand in their sales report As each student turns in the sales report, the leader must request the deposit of the money of the books sold / delivered

24 Appropriate books and how to plan and control the inventory
Processing and accounting for the books In the event a student fails to deposit the money of books sold / delivered after 2-3 times, the leader should not give more books to that student. The situation should be taken to the team advisory committee that can study a possible discipline for the student



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