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Good Morning Have homework out ready to be checked

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1 Good Morning Have homework out ready to be checked
Complete Day 2 Warm-up (Focus … no talking!) Volunteers?

2 Something to Think About …
Watch the following short video describing the difference between independent and dependent variables in various real-life contexts . What was the main attribute of each independent variable? What are the main attribute of each dependent variable? In your own words, describe how you can determine the difference between an independent and a dependent variable?

3 Independent and Dependent Defined
Dependent Variable Independent Variable The quantity that you can’t control with another variable Ex of independent variables *Time *Age *Distance travelled *Cookies bought *Temperature outside The measurable quantity that is affected by the other variable. Ex of dependent variables *Distance travelled *Height *Gas left in a tank *Amount of money spent on cookies *Cost of heating/cooling a home i.e. The values of the dependent variable DEPENDS on the other quantity

4 Are you happy you understand independent vs dependent variables?
How are independent and dependent variables alike? What makes the difference whether a variable is dependent or not? Let’s sing for a few minutes

5 Read each scenario below
Read each scenario below. Identify the two variables and determine which variable is independent and which is dependent. Above & Beyond are playing at Madison Square Garden. The concert hall can only sell as many tickets as there are seats available. The number of glasses of milk you can pour from the gallons of milk you have Brian is making tacos for a party. The number of tacos he makes depends on the number of guests who attend the party.

6 Read each scenario below
Read each scenario below. Identify the two variables and determine which variable is independent and which is dependent. Malachi is building a trophy case to hold his trophies. The number of trophies he will put in the case will determine the number of shelves he includes. Every week Tiffany’s plant grew 2 inches. It takes Doug 3.5 minutes to run each lap around the track.

7 Connecting Domain and Range to Independent and Dependent Variables
Domain = Independent Variable Range = Dependent Variable Domain are the x- coordinates The x-value typically exists even if the y-value does NOT!! Graph domain/independent variable horizontally Range are the y- coordinates Value of y DEPENDS on the value of x Graph range/dependent variable vertically

8 Identify the domain and range from each graph below.

9 Identify the domain and range from each graph below.
Create an x-y table for y = x2 - 2 X Y -2 -1 1 2 Domain: Range: Is this a function?

10 Prepare for your quiz Stop talking and clear your desk
Set up your divided and sharpen your pencil, if necessary Wait until everyone has a quiz to start You have 15 min. – Eyes on your own paper please!

11 State if each function is linear or non-linear?
Yes or No Linear? Yes or No Linear? Yes or No

12 Linear Function A relation in which the change in y is constant to the change in x. NOTE: Must change by same amount! Determine if each relation is linear or non-linear. Justify your answer. 1) ) ) X Y -2 5 -1 10 15 1 20 2 25 X Y -2 5 -1 10 15 1 2 X Y -10 2 -6 4 -2 6 8

13 Partner Activity Select a partner (no more than 3 in a group)
Complete the domain and range activity Complete the independent vs independent variable activity Prepare to justify your answers

14 Exit Ticket Fill in the table below so that it make a linear function.
Y 1 -2 2 3 4 5 10

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