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Download “Dictionary. com” app on IPhone/Android

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1 Download “Dictionary. com” app on IPhone/Android
Download “” app on IPhone/Android. It will be especially helpful for vocabulary study. Sat vocabulary 21 As we go through the slides, fill in the necessary blanks on your chart. I have completed some for you. Words that are missing information, you will fill in missing information.

2 1. aggregate Definition: sum total, whole amount Part of Speech: noun Synonyms: Antonym: partial amount Sentence: Although difficult to mine, the aggregate of mineral resources in Alaska are immense.

3 2. archipelago Definition: a group of islands Part of Speech: Synonyms: Antonym: Sentence: The sailors were excited when they reached the archipelago.

4 3. boon Definition: favorable; a blessing, a benefit Part of Speech: Synonyms: Antonym: curse Sentence: Hiring that young man was a boon for our company.

5 4. buffoon Definition: a clown, a silly or stupid person Part of Speech: noun Synonyms: fool Antonym: Sentence:

6 5. chicanery Definition: unethical methods, trickery Part of Speech: Synonyms: Antonym: honesty; truthfulness Sentence:

7 6. contaminant Definition: Part of Speech: Synonyms: pollutant Antonym: Sentence:

8 7. corrugated Definition: bent into folds Part of Speech: Synonyms: Antonym: smooth Sentence: A corrugated box absorbs shock and helps to protect its contents.

9 8. deleterious [del-i-teer-ee-uh s] Definition: Part of Speech: Synonyms: Antonym: harmless Sentence: Some chemicals have deleterious effects on those who must handle them.

10 9. disputatious Definition: inclined to fight, to argue, or to debate Part of Speech: Synonyms: Antonym: Sentence: People avoided serious discussions with him because of his disputatious manner.

11 10. emend Definition: to correct (usually by a critic) Part of Speech: Synonyms: Antonym: Sentence: The newspaper had to emend the incorrect statement printed in the paper.

12 11. fetter Definition: Part of Speech: Synonyms: Antonym: to liberate Sentence: The convict was fettered to prevent his escape

13 12. giddy Definition: dizzy Part of Speech: Synonyms: Antonym: levelheaded Sentence: I became giddy after drinking the champagne at the reception.

14 13. heterogeneity [het-uh-roh-juh-nee-i-tee] Definition: state of being dissimilar, composition from unlike elements Part of Speech: Synonyms: dissimilarity Antonym: Sentence:

15 14. indomitable Definition: Part of Speech: Synonyms: Antonym: weak Sentence: He was from a tribe that was thought to be indomitable but finally was forced to live on the reservation.

16 15. irresolute Definition: indecisive Part of Speech: Synonyms: wishy-washy Antonym: Sentence:

17 16. metaphorically Definition: compared nonliterally Part of Speech: Synonyms: Antonym: literally Sentence: Metaphorically speaking, he is drowning in oil

18 17. panacea Definition: cure-all, remedy for all ills Part of Speech: noun Synonyms: Antonym: Sentence: Love, not money, is the panacea for your problems.

19 18. peruse Definition: Part of Speech: verb Synonyms: Antonym: to skim Sentence:

20 19. prodigy Definition: one with exceptional talents or powers; an extraordinary accomplishment Part of Speech: Synonyms: Antonym: Sentence: Mozart was considered a child prodigy since he had great musical talents at a very early age.

21 20. rebuff Definition: to snub or to refuse bluntly Part of Speech: Synonyms: Antonym: to accept Sentence:

22 21. resilient Definition: Part of Speech: Synonyms: strong, buoyant Antonym: Sentence: There is a need for more resilient bumpers on cars that can withstand minor accidents.

23 22. scapegoat Definition: one who takes the blame for others Part of Speech: noun Synonyms: Antonym: Sentence:

24 23. spurious Like furious with ‘sp’ Definition: Part of Speech: adjective Synonyms: false, fake Antonym: honest Sentence:

25 24. tractable Definition: Part of Speech: Synonyms: docile, controllable Antonym: Sentence: It is odd that the students in first hour are so unruly, while those in second hour are very tractable.

26 25. vivacious Definition: full of life, very animated Part of Speech: Synonyms: lively Antonym: sluggish Sentence:

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