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1.9 Review.

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1 1.9 Review

2 Metric System a kg = ____234000_______ cg b dg = ___9610_____ mg c. 1,200 cm = ____12_____ m d km = ___.10____ m e. 650 mL = ______.650______ L

3 Scientific Notation: Change the following measurements to scientific notation. a. 3,400 m b L c cg d. 1,900,000 kg 3.4 x x x x 106 Expand the following measurements. a. 5.2 x 103 m b. 8.8 x 10-6 cg c. 123 x 10-5 mg d. 4.5 x 102 L

4 Temperature: Use these answers for questions 1 – 5
Temperature: Use these answers for questions 1 – 5. Each answer may be used more than once, once, or not at all. Furthermore, a question may have more than one correct answer. The boiling point of water F, G, The freezing point of water B, D, J The average temperature of the human body K, E, Room temperature C, H, Absolute zero A, I -40˚F I,

5 Do the following temperature conversions.
a. Change 72˚F to ˚C b. Change 440˚C to K  22.22 ˚C K c. Change 256 K to ˚C d. Change 675 K to ˚F ˚C ˚F

6 Factor-Label Use dimensional analysis to change 3400.7 cm to mile
  miles Use dimensional analysis to change 4.6 gallons/hour to L/s L/s

7 Error and Percentage Error
John and Melissa went into the lab and determined the density of copper to be 9.6 g/mL. They looked up the accepted value and found it was 8.94 g/mL. What is their error?  .66 g/ml What is their percentage error? 7.38 %

8 Density What is the volume of 8.7grams of brass if the density of brass is 8.6g/mL?  1.01 ml What is the mass of 26.3mL of brass? g

9 What is our measurement system used in science?
 SI Units 8. The unit for mass in the metric system is the ____kilogram_______. 9. The unit for volume in the metric system is called a _______Liter_________.

10 10. Label the following. Identify color and what the hazard means.
Red is Fire Blue is Health Yellow is Reactivity White is Special Hazard

11 11. What is a Teratergen. Causes Birth defects. a. A Carcinogen
11. What is a Teratergen? Causes Birth defects a. A Carcinogen? Causes Cancer

12 12. Draw a target or a dart thrower that is precise but not accurate.

13 13. Matter is something that has mass and takes up space.

14 14. Name 3 base units. These are the only 7!!!!!!

15 15. Name 3 derived units. There are hundreds of derived units!!!!
volume (L x W x H, m3), area (L x W, m2), velocity (m/s), density (g/mL)

16 16. List the order of the scientific method.
Observation Hypothesis Experiments Data Analysis Conclusions Retest

17 grams and 4.5 miles would be quantitative data and “green” and “round” would be qualitative data.


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