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The Suffrage Movement.

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Presentation on theme: "The Suffrage Movement."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Suffrage Movement

2 Women’s Role? Middle class married women’s main role was wife and mother Most time spent on chores and childcare Common to have 10 or more children Single women had limited career options Teachers/Nurses Domestic servants Seamstress Low skill/Low pay! PAID MUCH LESS THEN MEN!

3 Women Were Considered Property
Women were the property of her father until marriage Once married women had few rights over Property children Protection from assault Women not considered persons unless charged with a crime



6 The Right to Vote Only property owning males able to vote
Women, Aboriginals, Asian immigrants, and most non- European immigrants denied the vote Afraid that they would take away what white men valued


8 Women's Suffrage The right for women to vote
Canadian suffragists believed that the skills of women would bring a fresh and caring attitude towards male dominated government Work to help the needs of the poor and children Better working conditions for women

9 Women’s Christian Temperance Union
The Woman's Christian Temperance Union was the first mass organization among women devoted to social reform with a program that "linked the religious and the secular Founded in 1870 Campaigned for prohibition in 1900s Argued liquor was the root cause of family breakdown and poverty

10 Women’s Christian Temperance Union
Supported Women’s right to vote Believed that with the vote, women could influence the government to address social problems such as child labour, pollution, and poverty

11 Standing Up For Their Rights
passive acts – such as chaining yourself to railings of government buildings or blockading traffic public actions–including parades, pageants, street speaking, and demonstrations Hunger strikes were common for women who were arrested for civil disobedience by protests


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