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Behaviourist, Cognitive and Constructivist Approaches

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Presentation on theme: "Behaviourist, Cognitive and Constructivist Approaches"— Presentation transcript:

1 Behaviourist, Cognitive and Constructivist Approaches
Theories of Learning Behaviourist, Cognitive and Constructivist Approaches

2 Behaviourism: Conditioning and Schedules of Reinforcement

3 Behaviourism: Observational Learning
Albert Bandura and neobehavioural approach called “Social Learning Theory” 4 process Attention Retention Reproduction Motivation

4 Group Work In your group, think of a simple skill that someone could learn (ie. Juggling, shooting a basketball, riding a bike, making a sandwich, etc.) Write down how someone would go about learning that task through observation following the 4 steps in the process (attention, retention, reproduction, motivation) Choose one person in your group to be the model and another person to be the learner/observer and demonstrate to the class how the skill would be learned

5 Application: Imitating Violence Bobo Doll experiment

6 Forms of Reinforcement
Direct reinforcement – receive reinforcement directly Vicarious reinforcement – see others being reinforced for that behaviour Self-reinforcement – controlling your own reinforcers (self-management)

7 Should Students be rewarded for learning?
Discussion Should Students be rewarded for learning?

8 Cognitive Approach Cognition: thinking and how we think Learning: learners are active - ARUK (Acquiring, Remembering and Using Knowledge) The Brain: the brain shapes and is shaped by cognitive processing activities Knowledge: Knowledge and knowing are outcomes of learning

9 Social Cognitive Theory Reciprocal Determinism

10 Constructivist Approach (Sociocultural Approach)
Learning occurs through social and cultural experiences VYGOTSKY “Zones of proximal development” – scaffolding from adults or peers Culture and cognition is bidirectional – mediated through interaction with others Student-centered learning Authentic learning opportunities

11 Sources Sproule, Wayne. Our Social World: An Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology. Toronto: Prentice Hall, 2001. Educational Psychology and Special Education. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2012.

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