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Ancient Egyptian History

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1 Ancient Egyptian History
Please draw the following timeline in your notebook. 3100 B.C. B.C. B.C. B.C. B.C. B.C. B.C. B.C.

2 This is a satellite image of Egypt.
What does this image tell you about the geography of Egypt?

3 The Nile River flows from south to north but the prevailing winds blow from north to south. This allowed Egyptians to sail south and float north creating an easily maneuverable “highway”.

4 Use the glossary in the back of your book to define the word, “Dynasty”.
There were a total of 26 separate dynasties who ruled over Ancient Egypt between 3100 B.C. and 525 B.C.

5 Menes unites Upper and Lower Egypt.
3100 B.C. Menes unites Upper and Lower Egypt. Menes was the King of Upper Egypt. 3100 B.C.

6 2700- 2200 B.C. Old Kingdom Accomplishments Reasons for Collapse
Strong, organized central government Massive building projects such as the pyramids at Giza. Power struggles Crop failures The cost of the pyramids and other massive building projects. B.C.

7 First Intermediate Period
B.C. First Intermediate Period B.C.

8 2050- 1800 B.C. Middle Kingdom Accomplishments Reasons for Collapse
Large public works projects despite an unpredictable Nile flood Occupied parts of Nubia Increased contact and trade with the Middle East and Crete. Invasion by the Hyksos B.C.

9 Second Intermediate Period
B.C. Second Intermediate Period B.C.

10 1550-1100 B.C. New Kingdom Accomplishments Reasons for Collapse
Expansion of the Empire Conquered the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea all the way to the Euphrates River Conquered Nubia Foreign Invasions Everyone was eager to get a piece of Egypt’s wealth B.C.

11 B.C. Foreign Rule During this period of time, Egypt was ruled by the Libyans, Sudanese, Saites, and Persians. B.C.

12 B.C. Greek Rule Alexander the Great conquers Egypt and Egyptian culture is fused with Persian and Greek culture during Hellenistic Era. Alexandria Egypt is founded as a major port town and center of learning and culture. B.C.

13 Looking Forward - In 30 B.C. , Egypt was conquered by the Romans.
- Christianity was introduced - Arabs took control in the 7th century and introduced - Egypt has been Arab and Muslim since

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