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Aim: Complete State lab and Questions

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: Complete State lab and Questions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: Complete State lab and Questions
Do now: Find your State lab

2 Aim: How can I write a professional Lab report?
Do now: take out your notebook and answer the following questions: What is a lab report? What is the purpose of a lab report?

3 Cover page This is the First page of your report. It must include a picture related to the lab and the following information: Title-State Lab 1 Diffusion Through a Membrane Name- Your name Period-Your Period Teacher Name-Ms Reid Date Lab Report-10/28/2014

4 Introductory Paragraph
Should be written in complete sentences Should connect lab concepts to class content Should provide background information on the concepts tested. Diffusion Osmosis In today’s lab we learned about diffusion and osmosis. Diffusion is…. Osmosis is….. We used dialysis tubing as a cell model because it allows some molecules to move through it like the cell membrane.

5 State the Objective The purpose section of a lab is where you tell the reader your reason for doing the lab in the first place. The objectives of this lab are to show Diffusion using a model cell. And to see osmosis occurring in a plant cell.

6 Hypothesis What was your initial guess. What did you think was going to happen at the end of the experiment? This is your answer to procedure 9 on page 2 What do you think salt water and pure water will do to a plant cell?

7 Materials This should be a Bulleted List
The materials section is a list of all equipment, reagents, ect.

8 Materials Part 1 Part 2 Beakers and test tubes Benedicts Onion
Glucose Starch Water Iodine String Dialysis Tubing Pipettes Hot plate Onion Microscope Tweezers Tissue Salt Water Water Slide and cover slip

9 Procedure The procedure is a detailed step by step description of how the experiment was performed. Anyone should be able to follow these steps to do the lab This lab has 2 parts so you will need 2 procedure lists

10 Procedure (Summarize the procedure on page 2) Part 1
We soaked, Rubbed and separated the dialysis tubing. We tied one end of the dialysis tubing with the string

11 Procedure Part 2 Summarize steps on page 6-7 and 8

12 Observations Describe any visible changes in the experiment.
First thing you wrote on page 4 Describe what happened to the plant cell when you added salt water Describe what happened to the plant cell when you added distilled water

13 Analysis Explain the changes observed.
Why did the changes you described in your observations happen?

14 Conclusion Explain what the results are telling you
What did you learn? Do you Accept or Reject your Hypothesis?

15 General Formatting 12 pt Times New Roman font Double Spaced
1 inch margins Write in Full Sentences except for the materials list and steps

16 Important Reminders for a Lab Report
Check Spelling Use Significant figures and units regarding measurements and calculations Headings should stand out. You can Bold then, underline, change color, ect Neatness counts Do not copy verbatim (word for word) from the lab handout or any other source. This is plagiarism and would result in a zero mark and possible further consequences.

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