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Presentation on theme: "LYMPHATIC SYSTEM LABEL and KNOW their functions"— Presentation transcript:

1 LYMPHATIC SYSTEM LABEL and KNOW their functions
Spleen Thymus Lymph nodes (know them by regions Thoracic duct Right lymphatic duct Cysterna chyli Lymph capillaries  lymph vessels  lymph trunks  lymph ducts Why would a lymph node be swollen? Where are the white blood cells produced? Clonal Selection

2 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM LABEL and KNOW function of the organs of the digestive system and what they do Peristalsis vs Churning Chyme vs Bile vs Pepsin vs Trypsin Be able to label where the organs are! Alimentary organs vs accessory organs Microvilli function of the small intestine Where in the small intestine does absorption occur mainly Gastric mucosa and the secretions Mucus cells Parietal cells Chief cells

3 Bile Tree A Right & Left hepatic ducts Common hepatic duct I
Cystic duct Common bile duct (Ductus Choledocus) Main Pancreatic Duct (Wirsung’s duct) Duodenal Papilla (Papilla of Vater) Duodenum Accesssory pancreatic duct (Duct of Santorini) Gallbladder I B D C H G E F

4 URINARY SYSTEM Know how to label and know the functions of the key structures of the urinary system Kidney Bladder Ureter Urethra Supporting structures of the kidney Renal fascia Adipose capsule Renal capsule Internal structures Renal cortex vs renal medulla Where the renal pyramids are Minor calyx  major calyx  renal pelvis  ureter  bladder Filtering mechanism of the kidney – know what happens at each level Nephron: filtering unit Renal corpuscle (Bowman’s capsule & glomerulus) Renal tubules (Proximal tubules, Loop of Henly, Distal tubule, connecting duct) Afferent vs efferent arterioles Juxtaglomerular Complex & the hormones secreted by kidney (EPO and Renin) KNOW HOW URINE IS PRODUCED (Slide #22-23) Role of ADH on urine production Urine output is under voluntary control. How so? Bladder contains transitional epithelium which is what allows it to expand

5 Nephron: Functional Anatomy

6 Renal Pyramid & Nephrons

7 Kidney Internal anatomy
B I Renal capsule Minor calyces Renal cortex Renal pyramid Renal papillae Ureter Renal pelvis Major calyx Renal medulla H G C D F E

8 Male Reproductive System
Know how to label and know function of the following Scrotum Testis Epidimis Seminiferous Tubules Vas Deferens Urethra Interstitial cells vs. Nurse cells Seminal glands – know the secretions and function Prostate glands – know the secretions and function B-U glands – know the secretions and function What is semen? External genital area Glands Body Root The role of NO during sexual arousal Corpora cavernosa function


10 Female Reproductive System
Label and know function of following: Ovaries Uterus Oviduct Cervix Vagina Mons Pubis Labia majora / minora Clitoris What is oogenesis? Know the the phases of meiosis the oocyte goes through Before birth Puberty Fertilization Ovarian Cycle (i.e. different follicles, and hormones secreted) Know the uterine wall linings Perimetrium Myometrium – smooth muscle Endometrium – degenerates during menstruation


12 Female Pelvis (sagittal section)
ureter uterine fundus common iliac artery & vein uterine cavity recto-uterine pouch (cul de sac/Douglas’ sac) uterine tube vesico-uterine pouch posterior fornix urinary bladder urethra cervix mons pubis rectum clitoris labium minus vagina labium majus anus introitus vaginalis

13 The Vulva

14 Development Label and know function of following:
Embryonic membranes (Chorion, Allantois, Yolk Sac, Amnion) Blastocyst - Trophoblast Chorionic villi Placenta Umbilical cord Stages of labor and what happens in each Gastrulation Know germ layers and what tissues they give rise to Gestation – 9 months long (divided by 3 trimesters) Know what happens in each trimester


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