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Body Systems Health Science 1.

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1 Body Systems Health Science 1

2 Body Systems ANATOMY – study of the parts of the body
PHYSIOLOGY – function of the body ANATOMICAL POSITION – standing erect with face forward, arms at the side, palms forward

3 Tissue TISSUES – cells grouped because they are similar in shape, size, structure, and function EPITHELIAL TISSUE – protects the body by covering internal and external surfaces, and produces secretions ex: skin, 3 types squamous, cuboidal, and columnar

4 Tissue Squamous Cuboidal Columnar

5 Tissue CONNECTIVE TISSUE – supports and connects organs and tissue
Adipose: stores fat cells Cartilage: firm, flexible support of the embryonic skeleton and part of the adult skeleton Tendons: attaching skeletal muscle to bone Ligaments: hold bones firmly together at the joints

6 Tissue MUSCLE TISSUE – has ability to contract and move body
Cardiac involuntary; contracts the heart Skeletal Voluntary; attached to the skeleton Smooth involuntary; provides movement in various body systems NERVOUS TISSUE – cells that react to stimuli and conduct an impulse neuron

7 Tissue Cardiac Skeletal Smooth Neuron

8 Summarize Describe to your partner what muscle and epithelial tissues are Switch Describe to your partner what connective and nervous tissues are

9 Membranes MEMBRANES – formed by putting two thin layers of tissue together, cells may secrete a fluid MUCOUS MEMBRANES– lines digestive, respiratory, reproductive and urinary systems – produces mucous to lubricate and protect the lining SEROUS MEMBRANES – double-walled membrane - produces a watery fluid, lines closed body cavities PARIETAL MEMBRANES-the outer part of the membrane that lines the cavity is the

10 Membranes VISCERAL MEMBRANE - the part that covers the organs is the
PLEURAL MEMBRANE – lines thoracic or chest cavity and protects the lungs PERICARDIAL MEMBRANE – lines the heart cavity and protects the heart PERITONEAL MEMBRANE – lines the abdominal cavity and protects abdominal organs

11 SUMMARIZE Define 4 of 7 membranes to your partner Switch
Define the remaining membranes to your partner

12 Structural organization
ORGANELLES – cell structure which helps a cell to function ORGANS – tissues which form larger functioning and structural units ORGAN SYSTEMS – groups of organs that act together to perform a specific related function ORGANISM – anything capable of carrying on life

13 Organ systems Integumentary = system which regulates body temperature, eliminates waste, synthesized Vitamin D, has temperature, pressure, and pain receptors Skeletal = system which gives shape to the body, protects, helps form blood and stores minerals Muscular = system which determines posture, produces heat, and provides movement Digestive = system that prepares food for absorption and use by body cells through modification of physical and chemical stress

14 Organ systems Respiratory = system that acquires oxygen and rids body of carbon dioxide Urinary / Excretory = system which removes waste of metabolism from the body Circulatory = system which circulates blood throughout body Excretory= system responsible for waste removal Nervous = system that communicates, controls, and coordinates body activities Endocrine = system that manufactures hormones Reproductive = system that reproduces human beings

15 Skeletal System

16 Muscular System

17 Circulatory System Click here to hear heartbeat

18 Lymphatic System

19 Respiratory System

20 Digestive System

21 Integumentary System

22 Nervous System

23 Sensory System The Skin The Tongue

24 Urinary System

25 Endocrine System

26 Reproductive System Male Female

27 Anatomic Position and Direction
ANTERIOR or VENTRAL – front or in front of POSTERIOR or DORSAL – back or in back of CRANIAL – refers to the head of the body CAUDAL – means tail end SUPERIOR – upper or above something INFERIOR – lower or below something


29 Anatomic Position and Direction
MEDIAL – toward the middle LATERAL – toward the side of body PROXIMAL – toward the point of attachment to the body or the trunk of the body DISTAL – away from the point of attachment to the body SUPERFICIAL (EXTERNAL) – near the surface or outside the body DEEP (INTERNAL) – inside the body

30 Summarize Turn to partner and explain what terms mean the top, bottom, front and back of body Switch Tell partner what terms mean middle, side, inside and outside

31 Body Planes and Sections
PLANES – imaginary anatomical dividing planes SECTION – cut made through the body in the direction of a certain plane SAGITTAL PLANE – divides the body into right and left parts CORONAL (FRONTAL) PLANE – vertical cut at right angles to saggital plane, divides the body into anterior and posterior portions TRANSVERSE PLANE – cross-section, a horizontal cut that divides the body into upper and lower parts


33 Cavities of the Body DORSAL CAVITY – contains brain and spinal cord
CRANIAL CAVITY- the brain SPINAL CAVITY - the spinal cord ANTERIOR or VENTRAL CAVITY contains the THORACIC and ABDOMINOPELVIC CAVITIES thoracic cavity contains the lungs and heart ABDOMINAL CAVITY contains stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder and pancreas PELVIC CAVITY contains urinary bladder and reproductive organs


35 Summarize Take turns with your partner and explain what each body cavity is When explaining tell some of the major organs in that cavity

36 Abdominal Quadrants

37 Abdominal Regions

38 Summarize Explain to your partner what the quadrants are and how they are defined Switch Explain to your partner what the regions are and how they are define

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