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Essential Questions What is percent yield and how do you calculate it?

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2 Essential Questions What is percent yield and how do you calculate it?
What are theoretical and actual yields?

3 Percent Yield (don’t need to write)
You prepared enough cookie dough to make 5 dozen cookies. You burn one batch which you throw out, but the rest of the cookies are okay. How many cookies could you have made? 5 dozen How many cookies do you still have? 4 dozen

4 Percent Yield (cont) Scientists use percent yield to measure how efficient a reaction was Percent yield: ratio of the actual yield to the theoretical yield, multiplied by 100. The yield for the cookies would be 80%

5 Percent Yield (cont) Actual yield: experimental amount of product formed Theoretical yield: maximum amount of product that could be formed from given amounts of reactants

6 Percent Yield (cont) When 36.8 g Al(OH)3 reacts with excess K2CO3, the actual yield of KOH is 58.8 g. What is the percentage yield of KOH? 3 K2CO3 + 2 Al(OH)3  6 KOH + Al2(CO3)3 A piece of Copper with a mass of 5.0 g is placed in a solution of silver nitrate. The silver metal produced has a mass of 15.2 g. What is the percent yield? Cu + 2 AgNO3 → 2 Ag + Cu(NO3)2 74.1%

7 Limiting Reactant and Percent Yield Practice Problem
C6H6 is reacted Br2 to produce C6H5Br and HBr as shown below. When .512 mol of C6H6 are reacted with excess Br2, 65.0 g of C6H5Br is produced. C6H6 + Br2 → C6H5Br + HBr a. What is the theoretical yield of C6H5Br? b. What is the percent yield? 80.4 g 80.8%

8 Limiting Reactant and Percent Yield Practice Problem
Answer the following questions for the combustion of 5.00 g octane (C8H18) in excess O2. 2 C8H O2 → 16 CO H2O What is the theoretical yield of CO2? What is the percent yield if 14.6 g of CO2 are produced?

9 Essential Questions What is percent yield and how do you calculate it?
What are theoretical and actual yields?

10 7.2 Tracked Assignment worksheet

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