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Thermal Expansion.

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Presentation on theme: "Thermal Expansion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thermal Expansion

2 Expansion Many substances expand when heated
When heated, the particles (atoms or molecules) in a substance vibrate more This means they need more space So the substance expands Heat

3 Important note! The particles in a substance do not expand themselves!
Heat Particles are the same size

4 Contraction The opposite happens when most substances are cooled
The particles vibrate less They need less room The substance contracts Cools

5 Thermal Expansion There are 3 stations around the room.
Read the instructions/complete the task/answer the questions at each station. You may go around in any order and will have 4 minutes at each station You must fill in the worksheet for each station and move on immediately when told to

6 Additional Questions Different materials expand by different amounts for a given temperature change. Considering this, explain why steel can be used in concrete to reinforce structures Explain in detail how hot air balloons work

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