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STARTING OUT RIGHT English IV Day 1 – Fall 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "STARTING OUT RIGHT English IV Day 1 – Fall 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 STARTING OUT RIGHT English IV Day 1 – Fall 2018

2 BE THE CHANGE you want to see IN THE WORLD.
Welcome back Seniors! P.S. Please leave the laptops closed for now. Mahatma Gandhi – Civil Rights Activist

Chinese Saying Hi, I am your teacher, Mrs. Leyens. This is my 12th year as a teacher and my fourth year at St. Martin High School. I LOVE IT HERE.

4 There is not a particle of life which does not bear Poetry within it.
Gustav Flaubert – French Novelist I have a Master’s in English in Education, and I teach English IV, Comp. I, Comp. II, and English 10

5 Write what should NOT be forgotten.
Isabel Allende – Chilean Author

6 Mary Wollstonecraft – British Philosopher & Feminist
Surely something resides in this heart that is not perishable and life is more than a dream. I have two sons and a stepdaughter. I am married to a man who is crazy, but he spoils me rotten, so I cannot complain. Mary Wollstonecraft – British Philosopher & Feminist

7 Black Elk – Oglala Sioux Medicine Man
Sometimes dreams . are wiser than waking. Black Elk – Oglala Sioux Medicine Man I am originally from Vicksburg, Ms., where I taught 7th grade English and Reading. I then moved to Madison, Ms., but I worked in Canton, Ms., where I taught English IV and 9th grade Reading

8 Alan Turing – British Computer Scientist
We can only see a SHORT distance ahead, but we can see PLENTY there that needs to be done. Alan Turing – British Computer Scientist Today, we just want to get to know each other. Communication is very important in this class, and knowing each other will help us communicate.

9 If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how AMAZING you can be.
Maya Angelou – American Poet

10 Martin Luther King, Jr. – Civil Rights Activist and Pastor
If you can't fly, then RUN. If you can't run, then WALK. If you can't walk, then CRAWL. But whatever you do, YOU HAVE TO KEEP MOVING. Martin Luther King, Jr. – Civil Rights Activist and Pastor

11 What are some good listening skills?
Communication % of your communication is listening. “Listening is the communication skill most of us use the most frequently. Various studies stress the importance of listening as a communication skill. A typical study points out that many of us spend 70 to 80 percent of our waking hours in some form of communication. Of that time, we spend about 9 percent writing, 16 percent reading, 30 percent speaking, and 45 percent listening. Studies also confirm that most of us are poor and inefficient listeners.” What are some good listening skills?

12 Blobs Party 1- Insert Picture >> Format >> Send to Back
2- Add Quote >> Add Author/Writer >> Adjust text to suit image

13 Directions: 1. Answer the items. 2. Wait for further instructions.

14 Find people who share the same answer to number 1, and discuss why that is your best mode of learning. Remember to practice good listening skills.

15 Find people who share the same answer to number 2, and discuss why that is your favorite subject.

16 Find people who share the same answer to number 3, and discuss your favorite shows / movies.

17 Find people who share the same answer to number 4, and discuss your answer.

18 Return to your desk. On the back of your paper, write one paragraph that discusses what you learned about your classmates.

19 Put your name on that paper and TURN IT IN.

20 Stuff you need to know . . . PASS OUT THE SYLLABUS NOW.

21 Rules / Procedures

22 1. Class begins as soon as you walk in.
We will practice this soon today.

23 2. Remain silent during instruction.
What happens to the learning environment if someone is talking when the teacher is talking?

24 3. Follow all instructions (verbal and written).
Why is this important?

25 4. Stay on task. Why is this important?

26 5. Respect each other’s personal space and each other’s ideas
5. Respect each other’s personal space and each other’s ideas. Only say king words, and do not touch anyone with anything. Why is this important?

27 6. No cell phones unless your teacher instructs you to use them.
Why do you think I have this rule?

28 7. No food or drinks near the computers.

29 Rewards: praise tell parents of awesomeness good grades bragging rights pizza or snacks for entire class

30 Mistakes in this class are . . . Expected Respected Corrected

31 Handling Mistakes 1. Reminder of Rules / Procedures 2
Handling Mistakes 1. Reminder of Rules / Procedures 2. Teacher-Student Conference 3. and/or Phone Calls to Home 4. Office Referral

32 Grading

33 Test = 50 % Final Exam = 20 % Quizzes, Daily Practice, Homework= 30%

34 Grades Specific to This Class English IV

35 Major Projects (5) Honors, see more information in the syllabus
Test Grades / Discuss Honors Briefly

36 Major Project 1: Ancient Texts Group Project Beowulf, Canterbury Tales, King Arthur
1 Test Grade and 1 Daily Grade

37 Major Project 2: Debate Career Paper This will be an argumentative essay on a debate prevalent in your career. 1 Test Grade

38 Major Project 3: Macbeth Reading / Acting and Creative Project
1 Test Grade

39 Major Project 4: Memorization Piece I will give you a long list to choose from next week.
1 Test Grade

40 Major Project 5: 1984 & Exit West Analytical Paper or Career Related Project, Study Guide, & Presentation 2 Test Grades and One Daily Grade

41 Unit Tests - Ancient Texts - Macbeth - 1984 & (possibly) Exit West
Test Grades

42 Binder Checks Once Per Nine Weeks
Test Grades

43 College and Career Readiness - attendance = 45 points - discussing, listening, participating = 55 points once per nine weeks A more detailed rubric that connects to our state standards will be provided later. Test Grades

44 Essays These are important in developing your written and speaking communications.
Test or Daily Grades

45 Quizzes pop quizzes on units grammar quizzes vocabulary quizzes
Daily Grades

46 ACT Prep (grammar quizzes / reading comprehension quizzes)
Daily Grades

47 Mid-Term and Final Exams These will be comprehensive exams.
Exam Grades

48 Plagiarism – We will discuss plagiarism in more detail next week
Plagiarism – We will discuss plagiarism in more detail next week. Just don’t do it. ANY FORM OF PLAGIRISM = a 0 for a grade

49 Late Grades - 10 points per day - graded in order in which received and after current on-time work
Just turn in the stuff on time. (Don’t use “stuff” in your essays.)

50 Supplies

51 1. Pencils or pens 2. Three-ring, 2 inch binder 3
1. Pencils or pens 2. Three-ring, 2 inch binder 3. Journal or separate section in binder 4. Loose-leaf notebook paper 5. USB Jump Drive and Googledocs Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy

52 Questions? Come on, there must be SOMETHING you have a question about.

53 Why do we have schools? I really want some good answers here.

54 How to enter class. You can do it!

55 1. Go to seat quietly. You may whisper to your neighbors.
Let’s practice whispering.

56 2. Take out pen or pencil and journal or binder.
Let’s practice this.

57 3. Look at the board and begin copying what you see.
Let’s practice.

58 4. Use the laptop at your desk to look up words that have the root or affix on the board.
Let’s practice!

59 Roots and Affixes “Teaching prefixes and suffixes is an important part of building better readers. Whether in the early years or advancing through college, all students can learn prefixes and use that knowledge to become more proficient in language arts. Prefixes, suffixes, and roots are the essential building blocks of all words. Teaching prefixes and suffixes helps students understand the meaning behind different vocabulary words and students that learn prefixes have the capabilities of breaking down unfamiliar words into segments that are easily understood, learning new words becomes simpler.” - This is just one resource. There are gazillions. (What type of figurative language is that?)

60 Homework for Tonight: 1. When your parents say, “What did you do at school today,” please actually tell them. 2. Have your parents sign the last page of the syllabus, and have yourself sign the last page of the syllabus. You can go ahead and sign now.

61 This week, we will. . .

62 Read and listen to “Demons” and “Thunder” by Imagine Dragons -”Sympathy for the Devil” by the Rolling Stones - “Hall of Fame” by will. i. am. -”At Last” and “I’d Rather Go Blind” by Etta James Theme 1: Fate v. Free Will – week one Tuesday and Wednesday

63 We will also read old (very, very old) poems: - “The Seafarer” - “The Wanderer” or “The Wife’s Lament” (quiz poems – students will choose individually) Theme 1: Fate v. Free Will

64 We will also review. - fate v
We will also review fate v. free will (everyday) - communication skills (everyday) - literary terms (everyday) - capitalization rules (Tuesday) -how to punctuate literary works (Wednesday) -subject-verb agreement (Thursday) Quiz Friday 

65 Wednesday - diagnostic mini ACT practice test on USA Test Prep - receive or set up logins to several online resources The diagnostic grade is very important, and it will be added to the gradebook so we can see it, but it will not count as part of your grade.

66 Questions?

67 Closing Class Procedures 1. Stay in your seat until the bell. 2
Closing Class Procedures 1. Stay in your seat until the bell. 2. Whisper quietly and work on homework. 3. BE SURE TO LOG OUT OF ALL OF YOUR PROGRAMS ON THE LAPTOP.


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