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Aim: What Is Engineering?

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1 Aim: What Is Engineering?
1 Aim: What Is Engineering?

2 Objectives for Today (9/9)
Discuss classroom rules and expectations and review procedures for homework Based on last night’s reading: Define: engineering, constraints, specifications Identify and discuss specific examples of engineering in the current issue of Science World Compare/contrast: scientific method vs. engineering design process

3 1. Class Rules and Expectations
Come PREPARED to class every day. ALWAYS have with you: pens, pencils, and lined paper for taking notes a calculator a pocket folder for holding class handouts, articles, homework sheets, tests etc. Homework must be handed in or presented at the beginning of class daily homework (3-5 questions from a HW sheet, reading and summarizing a science article, completing a review sheet) receives either a ✓ for completion or an X if incomplete Larger assignments (lab reports, completed HW sheets, research projects) that are handed in late will receive point deductions.

4 C. Speaking in Class Only one student may speak at a time, after he/she is called on by Mr. T-W. Calling out and interrupting others will NOT BE TOLERATED and can negatively affect your conduct grade. D. Only ONE STUDENT may leave the classroom at a time to use the bathroom or get a drink of water. E. No eating in the classroom. The only acceptable form of food or drink permitted in the classroom is a clear bottle of water

5 2: Defining Terms: ➡ Directions: Split up into groups of 3, and spend 3-4 minutes creating definitions for the 3 terms below. Be prepared to share your definitions with the class. engineering: using STEM to create products and systems that improve the world constraints: limitations of your design (cost, time, materials) specifications: requirements of your design

6 3: Engineering in Science World
➡ Directions: In your same groups, spend another 3-4 minutes identifying specific examples of engineering in the current issue of Science World. Be prepared to share 1-2 examples. List of examples: -

7 Engineering Fundamentals Definitions:
Uses math, science, and technology Creates products and systems Improves world Specifications: Requirements of a design Constraints: Limitations of a design

8 Types of Knowledge Mathematical knowledge Scientific knowledge
Technical knowledge Picsfive/; Stuart Jenner/; Serg64/

9 Types of Skills and Traits
Interest in solving problems Detail oriented Analytic ability Creativity Drawing and design skills Interpersonal and communication skills Time and project management skills

10 Engineering Disciplines
Materials engineering Electrical engineering Civil engineering Mechanical engineering Bioengineering Computer engineering Aerospace engineering Manufacturing engineering Chemical engineering Environmental engineering Nuclear engineering Petroleum and mining engineering

11 History of Engineering
Humans have been involved with engineering for thousands of years As a defined profession, only several hundred years old Each field of engineering has its own history

12 Engineering through History
Goodheart-Willcox Publisher

13 Early Civilizations Development of engineering follows human and societal needs Use of trial-and-error method rather than use of mathematics and science as foundation

14 Early Civilizations Temples and pyramids
Irrigation systems, dams, and aqueducts Metal tools and weapons Systems of roadways Waterwheels Vehicles

15 Industrial Revolution
Formalization of many forms of engineering Watt’s improvements to steam engine Discovery of magnetic induction First battery Incandescent lightbulb Electric induction motor Discovery of 70 chemical elements Cotton gin, reaper, and steel plow

16 Twentieth Century Advances
New heights for buildings and structures Production facilities developed Development of radio, TV, computer, electronics, and satellites New fields of computer engineering, software engineering, electronic engineering, and aerospace engineering Advances in medicine and medical imaging

17 Engineering in the Twenty-First Century
More powerful, faster, and more capable computers Vehicles that will make space travel more feasible and economical More efficient machines Nanotechnology

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