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Beginning Review- Colonization and Exploration

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1 Beginning Review- Colonization and Exploration
What were 2 of the countries known for colonizing in the “New World?” What was the first colony in the America? Which colonial region was known for being very religious and intolerant of religions other than their own? What cash crop dominated the South?

2 Beginning Review- American Revolution
What war started the taxation of the colonies? Who were the Sons of Liberty? What battle was the turning point of the American Revolution? What did Thomas Paine write that argued in favor of American independence?

3 Beginning Review- Washington to Jefferson
What were the first two political parties in America? Who were the leaders? What country did John Adams have the most trouble with? What is impressment and what countries were doing it? Who (person or country) did Jefferson buy the Louisiana Purchase from?

4 Leaving Mr. Madison’s War- Moving on to Monroe
Elected in (Democratic-Republican) Served: Term nicknamed: “Era of Good Feelings”

5 Nationalism (Cultural and Political) and the Era of Good Feelings
Examples of Nationalism during the Era of Good Feelings: Basically a one-party system (Democratic-Republicans) Solidified American expansion and borders Secured US as a respected nation Growth of a national economy Webster’s school speller Various paintings of Revolutionary War heroes, etc.

6 Foreign Policy Big Events during Monroe’s Presidency:
Rush-Bagot Agreement Adams-Onis Treaty Back to Africa Movement British-American Convention Monroe Doctrine

7 Create this chart on your paper
Event What countries are involved? What was the outcome? Rush Bagot Agreement U.S. and Britain Demilitarization treaty between the U.S. and Great Britain- the Great Lakes Region- limit of 5 warships Adams-Onis Treaty U.S. and Spain U.S. gets Florida Back to Africa Movement U.S. and Liberia U.S. offers free transportation for African slaves to “return” to Africa. Not very popular British American Convention The two countries decide that the border between the U.S. and Canada would be the 49th parallel. This is only for the LA Purchase territory Monroe Doctrine U.S. and ALL European Countries U.S. said the Western Hemisphere was closed to colonization and if they tried, we would attack them. Create this chart on your paper

8 Adams-Onis Treaty

9 Back to Africa Movement

10 British American Convention

11 Monroe Doctrine

12 Election of 1824

13 Election of 1824 The Election itself
4 Candidates Andrew Jackson John Quincy Adams Henry Clay William Crawford Two types of voting- Popular Vote Electoral Vote Results: Jackson won the “Popular Vote” No one won a majority of Election votes The House of Representatives gets involved Henry Clay convinces members of the House to pick John Quincy Adams to be president John Quincy Adams wins Adams names Henry Clay his Secretary of State JACKSON IS FURIOUS!!!!!

14 “Corrupt Bargain”

15 Opinions on the Election
Jackson’s View Clay’s motives can’t be trusted since Clay benefitted from Adams being named president Jackson should have been named president since he won the popular vote John Quincy Adams’s View Henry Clay couldn’t control who people voted for He would make a good president Father had been president Good education Good background

16 Impact of the Corrupt Bargain
Ever since this election, people question the Electoral College Jackson uses this idea to win the Election of 1828 Calls Adams a thief and a crook He wins

17 Andrew Jackson as President
Known as the “Common Man’s President” VERY different from presidents before him Grew up very poor No education No background in politics Not a founding father

18 Jackson’s Presidency Big Event/Idea What Was It? Impact on America
“Common Man’s President” A nickname for Jackson- referring to the fact that he was born poor Promise that ALL Americans would be represented in our gov’t Spoils System The giving of gov’t jobs to unqualified political friends It was started by Jackson and can lead to corruption Worcester v. Georgia Cherokee suing GA because GA was taking their land Supreme rules in favor of the Native Americans- Jackson refuses to enforce the ruling Indian Removal Act Law encouraged by Jackson requiring all Natives Americans move west of the Miss. River Led to “Trail of Tears”- which killed ¼ of all Native Americans who were forcibly removed Nullification Crisis South Carolina tries to nullify or disregard the Tariff of Abominations Jackson threatens to send troops down to take over SC, but SC agrees to go along with the tariff instead- Jackson looks very powerful War with the Bank of U.S. Universal White Male Suffrage

19 Jackson’s Inauguration

20 Spoils System Started by Jackson
What: when a president rewards UNQUALIFIED loyal political friends with government jobs Impact: leads to corruption

21 Worcester v. Georgia

22 Indian Removal Act


24 Universal White Male Suffrage
Under Jackson, all white men now have the right to vote Before- many states required that you own property…but all of that is not gone! Democracy increases!

25 Technology Changes Invention Inventor What was it? Cotton Gin
Interchangeable Parts Mechanical Reaper Steel Plow Factory System Centralized Factory Steam Boat American System

26 Final Thoughts Do you think Jackson was a good president?
Was Monroe’s presidency really the “Era of Good Feelings?” Do you think Adams cheated to become president? What event would you have most wanted to witness? Why?

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