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University of Gothenburg

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1 University of Gothenburg
Institution enhet avdelning | Namn

2 University of Gothenburg
8 faculties – 45 departments The Sahlgrenska Academy – pharmacy, medicine, odontology and health care sciences The Faculty of Science The Faculty of Arts The Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts The Faculty of Social Sciences School of Business, Economics and Law The Faculty of Education The IT University Institution enhet avdelning | Namn

3 Students 39,000 students 27,000 full-time students 150 programmes
2,500 courses Distance courses and Web courses 5,000 completed degrees Some of Sweden´s most popular programs; Psychology, Dentistry, Physiotherapy and Nursing Institution enhet avdelning | Namn

4 Research Wide-ranging and successful research Strong research profiles
Arvid Carlsson – Nobel Prize winner in 2000 2,000 research students 300 new research students 300 new PhDs 40 new Licentiate degrees in Institution enhet avdelning | Namn

5 Postgraduate studies Some examples:
40% of all environment-related research in Sweden is carried out in Gothenburg The Swedish Centre for Public Sector Research and the Nordic Information Centre for Media and Communication Research At the forefront of research on the link between the economy and the environment The Institute of Odontology is ranked second most advanced in the world Leading medicine research at the Sahlgrenska Academy Institution enhet avdelning | Namn

6 Supporting the Public Sector, Trade and Industry
Commercial law & intellectual property Research funding Commissioned research Commissioned education Regional & industrial collaboration Innovation & business ideas Degree projects and work placements Institution enhet avdelning | Namn

7 Popular Science Concerts, Public Lectures, Exhibitions
The Science Festival in May every year University Television Radio Programme productions Public Lectures at Bokia´s Bookshop Jonsered´s Country Estate Open lectures in outlying districts Cooperation with Organisations, Trade and Industry Institution enhet avdelning | Namn

8 History in short 1891 Göteborgs högskola 1949 Medical College
1954 University of Gothenburg was founded through a merger of these two establishments 1967 The Faculty of Odontology 1971 The school of Business, Economics and Law became part of Göteborg University 1977 A large number of previously independent teaching institutions were incorporated into the University 2001 The Sahlgrenska Academy and the IT University Institution enhet avdelning | Namn

9 Strategic profile Midtown – midstream Open minds, open doors
Many disciplines in creative interaction Where research and education meet Committed to a sustainable society A major European university Institution enhet avdelning | Namn

10 International profile
2 300 long-term international contacts Cooperation within the EES with Germany, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy and the Netherlands etc. Participation in a number of international exchange programmes 470 Erasmus agreements More than 280 courses in English for exchange students Cooperation outside the EES with United States, Australia, Japan, Canada, Russia etc. Institution enhet avdelning | Namn

11 Environmental profile
Sweden’s first and only environmentally certified university – environmental certification in accordance with ISO and EMAS Almost 40% of all environment-related research in Sweden is carried out in Gothenburg At the forefront of research on the link between the economy and the environment Environmental research in an accessible manner – Institution enhet avdelning | Namn

12 University staff 5 700 employees (59% women, 41% men)
4 978 full-time employees, of which are teachers/researchers/post-graduate students 477 professors 1 873 technical/administrative staff Institution enhet avdelning | Namn

13 Financial Year Income SEK 5,165 million total income
SEK 3,518 million state grants SEK 1,647 million from external funding State grants % Fees and remuneration 12 % Contributions % Financial revenues 3 % Institution enhet avdelning | Namn

14 Expenditure 2009 Total of SEK 5,165 million, of which
SEK 2,923 million i spent on personell costs and SEK 600 million on premises Personell costs 59% Premises 13% Other operative expenses 25% Capital costs 3% Institution enhet avdelning | Namn

15 Interdisciplinary research
Cooperation between faculties: CEFOS – research on the public sector Museion – the department that connects the university with the Museum of World Culture National centre for mathematics education NORDICOM – Nordic media research Centre for interdisciplinary research on mobility disabilities CFK – centre for consumer research Centre for Work science Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research The Department for Food, Health and Environment Culture and Health EpiLife – mental and physical health interacting over the lifecourse Institution enhet avdelning | Namn

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