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Point of View Turning Your Voice

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1 Point of View Turning Your Voice

2 The following short writing activity will help you tune your voice
The following short writing activity will help you tune your voice. Describe one of the following experiences, things, or objects from a different perspective. Try to assume the role of each person. How would he or she describe things?

3 A deer (describe it from the perspective of a hunter) (describe it from the perspective of an animal rights activist)

4 2. A winning shot during the last second of a basketball game (describe it from the perspective of a fan from the winning team) (describe it from the perspective of a fan from the losing team)

5 3. A boy band concert (describe it from the perspective of a seventy- year-old grandmother) (describe it from the perspective of a sixteen- year-old)

6 4. The top of a bungee jumping platform (describe it from the perspective of a thrill seeker who loves the adrenaline rush of such activities) (describe it from the perspective of a first time jumper)

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