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Law: Intro to Criminal Policy Feb. 10

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1 Law: Intro to Criminal Policy Feb. 10
Introduce Behavior Chart Bellringer (5min): Where do you stand? Notes (30 min): Introduction to Criminal Policy Closer (10 min): Problem 7.1 HW: Black History Essay due Thursday Bring your book tomorrow (check in)

2 Introduction: Crime in America (take notes)
Crime: something one does or fails to do in violation of the law. Goals of Law Protect human rights for all (both the accused and the victims) Regulate human conduct so we can live harmoniously

3 Of the following factors, which do you believe causes crime
Of the following factors, which do you believe causes crime? (Choose top 3) Poverty Permissive courts Unemployment Lack of education Abuse of alcohol or drugs Inadequate police protection Rising population Lack of parental guidance Breakdown of morals Ineffective correctional system Little chance of being punished Television and films

4 It’s a complicated issue…
Poverty? Statistics show that poverty alone can not explain high-crime rates. Family stability is more relevant Little chance of being punished? The U.S. has the highest incarceration rates of any industrialized nation, but some complain that prison time isn’t certain enough

5 Gangs and Crime (take notes)
Not just a big city problem anymore (found in cities of only 200,000 people) History: In the 19th c., gangs were composed of adults along ethnic lines Some perform positive community work and job-training. However, most focus on drug trafficking , firearm sales, auto theft, prostitution, and other criminal activities.

6 Gangs and Crime (take notes)
Who joins? Overwhelming majority are young men Why join? Risk Factors: Poverty, school failure, substance abuse, family dysfunction, domestic and community abuse

7 Solutions? (Choose top 2)
Outreach and intervention programs (led by counselors) Provide opportunities: athletic clubs, school tutoring, community service, job training. Organizing to get help from government agencies, schools, parents, community groups, and religious organizations. Prosecute gang members for illegal activities Organize neighborhood watch groups

8 Guns and the Law (take notes)
Second Amendment: Some argue it protects the individual’s rights to carry fire arms Others argue it protects the state’s rights to maintain a militia Courts agree that the Amendment protects state’s rights, yet they have not used this to control gun use among individuals

9 Gun Control Efforts (take notes)
(1968) Gun Control Act Passed after murder of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Senator Robert Kennedy Prohibits convicted felons, minors, and illegal aliens from buying or possessing weapons. Requires serial numbers Requires Licensing fees Prohibits mail order sales

10 Gun Control Efforts (take notes)
(1993)Brady Act In an attempt to kill President Reagan, Press Secretary James Brady was shot and paralyzed Requires 5 day background check before dealers could sell a gun 1997- Brady Act was declared unconstitutional

11 Closer: Problem 7.1

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