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Chapter 2 “Learning about Families”

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1 Chapter 2 “Learning about Families”
In your journals: Heading: Name, Period, Date, Assignment: Chapter 2 “Learning about Families” Intro Write a couple paragraphs describing a memorable family event. What was the reason for the gathering: holiday, celebration, funeral, etc.? How did it impact you? How did it impact the family as a whole?

2 Section 2-1 “Understanding Families”
Functions of family – meeting basic needs Safety and health Intellectual needs (family is the first teacher) Love Moral education – getting along with others Preparing children – values passed on by: Example – what we see we do Talking – we explain right from wrong Religious training – places of worship teach a moral way of living.

3 Family Structures Nuclear Families – mother, father, and at least one child Single-Parent Families: either a mother or father and at least one child Blended Families: single parent married to another person who may or may not be a parent Extended Families: have relatives other than a parent or child who live with them Children enter families: biologically (born in), adoption (legally become as though biological) , or as foster children (usually from troubled families and only temporary) a guardian assumes responsibility for a child as a result of birth or a legal process

4 Draw a picture of your current family structure.
Example: Single parent home: mom and two daughters

5 The Family Life Cycle: Beginning Stage: establishes home and marriage
Parental stage 1: expanding: couple prapares and adjusts to parenthood Parental Stage 2: Developing: children grow and parents work to meet their needs and establish independence Parental Stage 3: Launching: Children leave home and support themselves. Parents work to help children adapt to life on their own. Middle Age: Couple renews their relationship and prepares for retirement. “empty nest” Retirement: couple retires and adjusts

6 In a Group Think of a challenge and a reward for each stage of the family life cycle. Example: Beginning Stage : Challenge- difficult to adapt to someone’s habits and traditions. Reward – special time without added responsibility of children allows the couple time to bond and develop a strong foundation for the “empty nest” stage.

7 Trends Affecting Families
Mobility: more adults leave their communities. This creates a lack of supportive connections. Cultural Diversity: Immigrants value the freedom of America, but still find new society not easy Aging Population: People living longer has created situation in which people are caring not only for children but aging parents; or grandparents raising grandchildren Economic Changes: downturns lead to mothers working outside the home, smaller families, delay in having children, and high demand of child care where both parents work Workplace Changes: decline in manufacturing leading to fewer jobs creating a need for more education and new skills, fewer benefits, and more working at home Technology: home offices, entertainment, communication

8 Coping with Pressures on the Family
Avoid scheduling to many activities Watch for clues that the family members need a break Focus on responsibilites and on activities that people enjoy Schedule family meals Plan ahead Maintain your sense of humor

9 With a Partner Complete one of the following:
P. 60 Thinking It Through OR P. 68 Connecting School to Career

10 Section 2-2 What Parenthood Means
Record your daily schedule for three days, including one weekend. Example: Thursday: 6:00am – wake up dress and eat 7:00 pm – catch bus to school 8:30- 3:45 – school 3:45- 5:30 practice 5:45 bus home 6:00 homework and dinner 9:30 tv 10:30 bed

11 Now Imagine you are a parent. How would your daily life change? What new activities would be added? What would you have to drop?

12 Parenthood Brings Lifelong Changes
The responsible parent no longer puts their needs first.

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