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Week of January 28 Focus for the week

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1 Week of January 28 Focus for the week
Building theories through character analysis: *Test theories by looking for evidence in the text *Read/re-read to identify connections to the text to confirm or disconfirm your theory *Revise your evidence to make a claim

2 Monday 28 Snow Day

3 Tuesday 29 In class: Power point presentations Homework:
Study for Tuck final exam on Monday, February 4 *Vocabulary on Quizlet Reminders: Reading log due Tuesday

4 Wednesday 30 In class: Power points Homework:
Study for Tuck final exam on Monday, February 4 Reminders: Reading log due Tuesday

5 Thursday 31 In Class: Power point presentations Homework:
Study for Tuck final exam on Monday, February 4 Reminders:

6 Friday 1 In Class: Power point presentations Homework:
Study for Tuck final exam on Monday, February 4 Reminders: Tuck exam coming up

7 Week of February 4 RL.6.7. Compare and contrast the experience of reading a story, drama, or poem to listening to or viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including contrasting what they “see” and “hear” when reading the text to what they perceive when they listen or watch.

8 Monday 4 In class: Tuck Everlasting
Venn Diagram-taking notes on characters and exposition Homework: Turn your venn diagram notes into sentences Reminders: Study helping verbs

9 Venn Diagram- taking notes on conflict and rising action
Tuesday 5 In class: Verb pre-test Tuck Everlasting Venn Diagram- taking notes on conflict and rising action Homework: Turn your venn diagram notes into sentences making sure to answer the questions on your viewing guide. (4th hour no homework) Reminders:

10 Wednesday 6 In class: Journal entry
Tuck Everlasting. Hand back and review Tuck Final exam. Review expectations for reading logs. Homework: None

11 Tuck Everlasting watching guide
Thursday 7 In class: Journal entry Tuck Everlasting watching guide Parent Letter Review verbs for test Reminders: Verb test next Tuesday

12 Friday 8 Snow Day

13 Overarching Questions and Enduring Understandings
Week of February 11 Focus for the week: Overarching Questions and Enduring Understandings Informational/explanatory writing allows the writer to share information on a topic s/he is passionate about and to teach readers in order to boost their knowledge, understanding, and comprehension on that topic. Examining cause and effect reveals key relationships between events, people, trends, and processes. Information must be carefully organized and formatted to allow readers to deepen their knowledge, understanding, and comprehension of a topic. Analysis of information helps the reader understand how to interpret the facts and details they are given.

14 Monday 11 In class: Introduction to cause & effect Homework: None
Reminders: Helping verb test & reading logs due tomorrow

15 Tuesday 12 In Class: Helping verbs test today
Identifying components of cause & effect Homework: 3 personal examples of cause & effect Reminders: Parent Newsletter signatures

16 Wednesday 13 In class: Review events, cause, & effect. Sorting activity. Homework: Complete 3 political or scientific examples

17 Thursday 14 In class: Go over homework. Discuss possible topics for cause & effect paper Homework: Please be prepared to share your two or three topics for your cause & effect paper. Reminders: Bring in your signed parent newsletter

18 Friday 15 Read Yellowstone handout for cause & effect
4th hour- finished up Tuck Everlasting Verb Drill 1 due on Monday

19 Monday February 18 In class: Corrected Verbs drill 1 Journal prompt- fill in cause & effect Homework: Reading logs are due tomorrow Re-do verb drill 1 if needed with parent signature

20 Monday March 11 Finish up research for cause & effect No homework
Logs due tomorrow

21 Tuesday March 12 Review ways to organize cause and effect
Shark activity Begin thinking about how you will organize your paper Begin typing

22 Wednesday March 13 Review cause & effect organizers
Research and gather information for your topic

23 Thursday March 14 Today we had the laptops and we are working on our rough drafts Rough draft cause and effect is due Monday, March 18

24 Friday March 15 Sub Fact vs. Opinion activity
Make sure you are using facts and not opinions in your cause and effect papers

25 Monday March 19 Peer editing- students work in pairs to peer edit following guidelines provided by the teacher If your rough draft is not finished, you need to do this ASAP

26 Tuesday March 19 Worked in the computer lab today to complete first revisions Will continue to revise in class tomorrow and go back to the lab on Thursday for final revisions and printing of final draft if ready

27 Week of April 15 No reading logs this week
Esperanza Test on Friday (first four chapters and both sets of vocabulary) Vocab is on Quizlet Open House Thursday from 7:00-8:00

28 Daily Schedule: Monday 4-15- Las Papayas and Los Higos
complete questions 1-5 Tuesday Las Papayas and Los Higos Complete questions 6-10 Review study guide Wednesday 4-17 –Las Guayabas Complete questions 1-6 Thursday review for test Friday Test

29 Week of 4-22 Monday 4-22- read Los Melones
Answer questions 1-6 (minimum of 3 quotes) Tuesday 4-23 Las Cebollas Wednesday 4-24 Las Almendras Thursday 4-25 Las Ciruelas Friday 4-26 Answer questions from both chapters 1-8 (minimum of 4 quotes)

30 Week of 4-29 Monday 4-29 read Los Aguacates
Answer questions 1-6 (4 quotes) Tuesday 4-30 vocab quiz 4 finish questions from yesterday Wednesday 5-1 Conflict Essay Strike or Not to Strike- write at least a three paragraph essay using quotes to support your stance on the striking workers Thursday 5-2 read Los Esparrogos; answer questions 1-4 (minimum of two quotes) Friday 5-3 vocab 4 re-takes, read Los Duraznos answer questions 5-8 ( at least 2 quotes) Student activity- point of view essay –pretend you are Miguel, what would you say to Esperanza? Pretend you are Isabel, how would you feel about not winning a prize that you have earned because you are Mexican.

31 Next Week Monday- Vocab 5 quiz, get ready for second folder check
Tuesday- review for unit test

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