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Warm Up After picking up your spiral and filling out your planner…

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up After picking up your spiral and filling out your planner…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up After picking up your spiral and filling out your planner…
What kind of information can you find out when using maps?

2 Introduction to Your Atlas

3 Essential Question How can geographic tools help us explain the world's patterns?

4 What is an Atlas? An atlas is a collection of maps.

5 Within each of these Maps
There is included: Map Legend Compass Rose Lines of Latitude Lines of Longitude Continents

6 Legend A part of a map that gives information about the symbols used on the map

7 Scale A tool on a map used to find distance

8 Legend and Scale Activity
Use the Classroom Atlas to complete the activity on page 4 of your spiral. Make sure when you are answering the questions, that you use complete sentences!

9 Warm Up Happy Surefoot, a world famous mountain climber, has invited you to climb one of the peaks in Europe. He has given you two clues: The peak is higher than Mount Olympus (C-6) BUT not as high as Grassglockner (C-5). It is about 150 miles (240 km) from Gibraltar. Using the Europe Physical Map, what mountain will you and Happy climb

10 The Compass Rose

11 Essential Question How can geographic tools help us explain the world's patterns?

12 Discussion What direction are you facing right now?
What direction is the track from us? If you turn a quarter turn left, what direction would you be facing now? Why is it important to be able to use directions

13 Compass Rose A symbol on a map used to show direction N NE NW W E SE

14 Cardinal Directions The four main directions on a compass.
North, East, South, West

15 Intermediate Directions
The directions that go in between the four cardinal directions NorthEast, SouthEast, SouthWest, NorthWest NE NW SE SW

16 Directions Activity Use the Classroom Atlas to complete the activity on page 6 of your spiral. Make sure when you are answering the questions, that you use complete sentences!

17 Discussion Examine the map of the North Pole and South Pole… what do you notice?

18 This is due Thurs at the beginning of class!!!
Task/ Homework Your task is to create a map of my classroom. Maps should be drawn to scale and include a scale, a legend, and a compose rose. The legend should explain symbols used for objects in the classroom. This is due Thurs at the beginning of class!!!

19 Battle Ship Warm Up If you want to sink the battleship circled, what is the final coordinate you would have to call in?

20 Lines of Latitude and Longitude
Lines of Latitude and Longitude are used to find location.

21 Essential Question How can geographic tools help us explain the world's patterns?

22 Lines of Latitude Also known as parallels, these lines run East to West Lines of Latitude divide the Earth horizontally

23 Latitudes Equator: 0 degrees Tropic of Cancer: 23 1/2 degrees N
Tropic of Capricorn: 23 1/2 degrees S Arctic Circle: 66 degrees N Antarctic Circle: 66 degrees S

24 Lines of Longitude Also known as meridians, these lines run North to South or Pole to Pole Lines of Longitude are drawn on a map vertically

25 Longitudes Prime Meridian: 0 degrees

26 How do I write longitude and latitude?
1)Latitude comes first. Longitude comes second. Example: Latitude, Longitude (30° N, 55° E) 2)Always put a degree sign ° after the coordinate (number) but before the letter. Example: 30° N

27 Let’s Practice A B C D How would you write the coordinates for the following locations A, B, C, &D in the map above?

28 Latitude/ Longitude Activity
You will be divided into one of three groups: Pilot Flight Attendant Passenger You are to work independently within your group following the directions and complete the task at hand.

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