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Presentation on theme: "The SENIOR YEAR! CLASS OF 2018."— Presentation transcript:


2 Before we continue… One of the most important people this year is sitting right next to you. This year your Star Wars Partner will be the biggest key to your success in the class. We will do some more in depth training on how to work with your partner For now, we are going to do some activities to get us thinking about how we communicate with people around us I will be giving you instructions and showing you how this will work… A series of activities called The Challenger… This is from Hollyhock packet from Dani- this is cat-meow, dog- ruff etc

3 The Year of adjustments
For You To Consider as You Start This New Year: Experience Your past Fresh start Changing old habits Setting goals 3 magic words… I NEED HELP! Does anyone know the clinical definition of insanity? Repeating the same behavior expecting a different result With this in mind, this year you are making adjustments

4 Adjusting requires control
YOU are in more control than you think YOU are making choices I can only control what happens in this classroom

5 Fear is a funny little thing…
Humans being are not complicated when it comes to fear…being afraid is one of the most natural emotions we ALL feel. The question is about how we react to the fear. Take 2 mins to make a list to yourself about EVERYTHING you are afraid of right now as you start your senior year With your SW partner, share these fears you wrote down- take 1 min each The best thing to do when you’re afraid…is to talk about them…thrown them out to the open…you’ll find some comfort in a second… Bringing the FEAR out to the floor… FIGHT FLIGHT

6 Things to know: I am the Senior Activities Director
ALL THINGS SENIOR YEAR YOU COME TO ME!  Don’t follow the “I heard…” statement- ALWAYS CONFIRM WITH ME Attendance is going to be CAREFULLY tracked There will be loss of senior activities when you hit a certain number of absences per semester- you can earn them back with perfect attendance Phone call system is still in effect more on this later… Academic Integrity (AKA cheating) will also be carefully tracked and handled

7 Checking in so far… Gotta run with the Bulls!!!!! Year of adjustments
Keeping track of many things this year FIGHT or FLIGHT Reflection to make sure you are in a good place… Take 1 minute to pick one word that summarizes your feelings about information presented WHIP AROUND Everyone one will share this one word before we end this session

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