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Respiratory System Notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Respiratory System Notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Respiratory System Notes

2 Functions of the Respiratory System
Gas exchange CO2 and O2 Defense against pollutants Mucus membranes trap dust, pollen, other particles Maintain body temperature Release warm, moist air during exhalation

3 Anatomy

4 Upper Respiratory Organs
Nose & Sinuses Trap particles Warm, moisten air Transport air Pharynx Passage of air Larynx (voice box) Traps particles

5 Trachea Windpipe Cartilaginous rings Lined with cilia
Trap particles Covered by epiglottis when swallowing

6 Lungs Bronchi Bronchioles Alveoli Sacs Primary branches of trachea
Secondary branches of bronchi Alveoli Sacs Grape-like clusters Site of gas exchange

7 Respiration Inhalation Diaphragm contracts and flattens
Rib cage is pulled out and up = enlarges chest cavity Air drawn into lungs as air pressure decreases Exhalation Diaphragm relaxes and is more dome shaped Rib cages sinks down and inward = chest volume decreases Air forced out as air pressure increases

8 Respiration

9 Lung Disorders & Diseases

10 Asthma Spasm or “twitch” of bronchi
Caused by pollutants, irritants, or other factors S/S – coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightening Tx – Anti-inflam. meds, bronchodilators, avoid triggers

11 Emphysema Enlarged alveoli due to smoking
Decreased gas exchange S/S – breathlessness, barrel chest Tx – Steroids, bronchodilators, etc.

12 Cystic Fibrosis Abnormally thick mucus Genetic S/S – vary with age
Prone to infection Genetic S/S – vary with age Tx – antibiotics, decongestives, mucus thinners, bronchodilators

13 Tuberculosis Bacterial Infection
S/S – loss of appetite, wt. loss, fever, night sweats, coughing Easily spread from person to person Tx - antibiotics

14 Pneumonia Inflammation of lungs due to infection or injury
Alveoli fill with fluid Mucus Pus S/S – fever, chills, cough, difficulty breathing, fatigue, loss of appetite Tx - antibiotics

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