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Year 8 CORE, Geographical Concepts Miss Hannah Donhardt

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1 Year 8 CORE, Geographical Concepts Miss Hannah Donhardt
Place Year 8 CORE, Geographical Concepts Miss Hannah Donhardt 10 minutes at the start of the lesson dedicated to filling in a survey

2 Places are parts of the Earth’s surface that are identified and given meaning by people.
Places play a very important role in the lives of everyone on Earth. Our relationships with other people are formed based on the places we frequent or where our families frequent.

3 Discuss these in small groups
What are some important places in your worlds? What makes some places more appealing to live in than others? What makes places unappealing? 5-10 minutes

4 Place can have a deeper meaning too
For indigenous people, place has a deeper meaning. Their sense of identity comes from their relationship with place They believe that they have a responsibility to look after the land.

5 Place influences people, people influence place

6 Research activity: Look up the Great Barrier Reef and the Amazon Rainforest See if you can find the following: What human actions have influenced this place? What changes have occurred in this place over the last 10, 50, 100 years? What is currently happening to preserve this place? What else do you think can be done to preserve this space? 15-20 minutes on this activity

7 Space

8 What is space? The concept of space can be used to investigate other things around us In geography, we investigate the way that people use and change the space in which they live. Think back to the example of Shimabara from last lesson, why did people choose to build a town on the base of a volcano?

9 Activity Look up the following four examples
Fill in the worksheet, answering each question for each space 1. Adelaide Oval 2. St. Peters Cathedral 3. Glenelg Beach 4. Technology Park 15 minutes on this?

10 Discussion: Why do people choose to live in the following spaces: The Gold Coast Rural South Australia (station country) Kangaroo island Adelaide What do you believe the positives and negatives are about living in each of these places?

11 Interconnection

12 All environments on Earth and every living and non-living things found within it are connected.
Interconnection is used to better understand the links between natural and human processes.

13 Think of the Earth as a person
A person has a brain, heart, lungs, stomach, arms and legs. These all need to work together as a single system to keep you alive and healthy. The Earth’s living systems work in much the same way (climate, plants, animals, oceans, soils and the atmosphere) all work together and are interconnected. Same as good skincare

14 Think about this A slight rise in the Earth’s temperature, will affect the following: Oceans (damaging coral reefs thus affecting the populations of marine life) The Land (the failure of crops and droughts hitting) The polar ice caps (rising sea levels and forcing people to relocate) What do you think would happen if the Earth’s temperature was to drop slightly?

15 Activity: Adelaide Elizabeth (North), Noarlunga (South), Henley Beach (West) and Mt. Barker (East) are the regional hubs of Adelaide as a whole. How are these suburbs/towns interconnected to Adelaide as a whole?

16 Activity extension Think about your suburb that you live in.
How is interconnection present there?

17 Environment

18 The world which we live in is made up of many different environments
Some are natural, some are man made Most environments now are a combination of natural and man-made features. Write down as many examples of natural and man made environments as you can

19 The study of environment helps us to understand and appreciate natural processes and the changes that humans make to natural environments. By studying some of these, we can gain a better appreciation for what they do. These can include: How weather works How mountains are formed How rainforests and coral reefs grow

20 Activity: Water Cycle Refresh your memories on the water cycle and water environments What happens when a natural environment is affected by humans? Examples: great barrier reef, beaches in South Australia

21 Sustainability

22 We all need to develop ways to ensure that all resources on Earth are used responsibly so they can be maintained for future generations. Sustainable patterns of living meet the needs of the current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

23 Discussion What are examples of non-renewable resources?
What are examples of renewable resources?

24 How are YOU being sustainable?
Write down ways that you and your family are being sustainable at home. Do you recycle? Do you use rainwater tanks? What are some of the ways that Endeavour College are promoting sustainability? How could the school/your family be more sustainable?

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