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Warm Up Find the answers to the problems below: What do you notice?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Find the answers to the problems below: What do you notice?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Find the answers to the problems below: What do you notice?
7,000 ÷ 10 = 7,000 ÷ 100 = 7,000 ÷ 1,000 = 36 x 10 = 36 x 100 = 36 x 1,000 = What do you notice?

2 The Power of a 10 Alignment Lesson

3 Using only 10’s, can you write a multiplication problem to get a product of 100?
Using calculators, complete the Evaluate column of Day 22 “Exploring Power of 10” Identify any patterns you see when you multiply 10 times another 10 or 10’s.

4 When we multiply by 10 we can call it multiplying by a power of 10
Complete the second column of Day 22 “Exploring Power of 10” Working together, let’s discuss Day 22, “Exploring Multiplying by a Power of 10 with Whole Numbers” Day 22, “Exploring the Power of with Decimals”

5 What if I wanted to DIVIDE by powers of 10?
Day 22, “Exploring Division by a Power of Ten with Whole Numbers”  When we multiply by powers of 10’s the number becomes 10 times bigger. When we divide by 10’s the number becomes 10 times smaller.

6 Day 22, “Exploring Division by a Power of 10”
Let’s complete the first problem together as a model. Complete the rest of the table. You may work with a partner!!

7 Extra Support Get hundreds, tens, and ones blocks. We are going to prove 3 x 103 = 300. Take 3 ones cubes. If you were going to multiply this number times 10, what would it look like. Create 10 groups of 3 cubes to equal 30 cubes. Then exchange the thirty ones cubes for 3 tens sticks. What if I took my new number of 30 and multiplied that times 10. Make 10 groups of 30 tens sticks and then exchange them for the correct number of hundreds blocks – 3 hundreds. Based on this, what if I wanted to multiply 3 x How do you know that the answer would be 1000?

8 Homework Day 22, “The Power of a Ten”

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