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A Month of Money… With Steve 2

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1 A Month of Money… With Steve 2

2 Steve’s Budget Now that we know how much Steve makes each month, we can help him make a budget for this month First, we need to tell Steve what he could STOP spending money on. Steve needs to know what NEEDS and WANTS are. What are NEEDS? What are WANTS? What is a budget?

3 Steve’s monthly budget last month
Take a look at Steve’s current monthly budget and tell him which things are needs and which one are wants. Do this on your answer sheet. $ on the rent, electricity and heating for his apartment $ on shoes $ on groceries $ on video games $70.00 on his bus pass $90.00 on his cell phone bill $ on movies, concerts and restaurants $ on Lego $75.00 on comic books $ on internet service $ on cable television

4 Help Steve with his new budget
Look at how much money Steve made THIS MONTH AFTER DEDUCTIONS. You must finish package 1 first. Make Steve’s new budget using this months salary after deductions. You should write in the NEEDS first. Steve wants to save at least $ this month Steve also wants to buy some things for himself (Lego, video games). Steve likes to sometimes go out with friends (restaurants, movies, etc.) Use the answer sheet to fill out Steve’s budget for this month.

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