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IC: Ch. 1.2 Running for Cards

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Presentation on theme: "IC: Ch. 1.2 Running for Cards"— Presentation transcript:

1 IC: Ch. 1.2 Running for Cards
Math 7 Thursday, 8/25/16 Write the IC and HW in your planner. IC: Ch. 1.2 Running for Cards HW: p.12 (2-5, 20-23, 37) Materials Write sentences for your explanation on #2-5. Copy prob. and show work. Pencil Grading Pen Ch. 1 Math Folder Integer Addition Practice Wkst (HW) Slate, marker, eraser 1 1

2 BW Quiz Ch. 1.2 - 30 4 -20 120 1) Solve. -40 + 10 = _________
Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________________________ Period: B _____ /G ______ BW Quiz Ch. 1.2 - 30 1) Solve = _________ 4 2) Solve = _________ -20 3) Solve (-15) = _________ 120 4) Solve = _________ 5) Solve = _________

3 On slates... Tell whether the sum is positive, negative, or zero WITHOUT actually adding. Explain your reasoning. The sum is positive because there is a larger number of positives than negatives. The sum is zero because all positives will cancel with all negatives. The sum is negative because if you have 10 negatives and then you add on 18 more negatives, you end up with a total of 28 negatives. Nothing cancels.

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