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Ch 9 Emergence of a Market economy

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1 Ch 9 Emergence of a Market economy
The politics of nation building after the war of 1812

2 The beginning of Commercial Agriculture
Lower transportation costs meant greater income for the farmer, and greater participation in a complex system of credit Switch from mixed farming & concentrate on a single crop, or staple Ohio Valley-wheat producer Cotton-”king” crop Factors made the Deep South the world’s greatest producer Great demand-rise of textile manufacturing Effect of the cotton gin-cut labor costs Availability of good land in the Southwest Existence of slavery, provided a flexible system of forced labor The desire to reduce the costs and increase the speed of shipping heavy freight over great distances laid the groundwork for a new economic system The revolution in transportationi had a decisive effect on agriculture Greatest profits went to those who could

3 Commerce and Banking New system of marketing Credit
Farmers sold their crops to local merchants Who sold it to regional merchants Who sold it to national & international traders Credit Farmers were paid for crops before they were planted Farmer paid interest Stimulated the banking system After 1812, the number of banks grew as they competed to make loans Congress created a second Bank of the United States to check irresponsible behavior of state banks This added to the problem by making loans easy 1819-collapse of the money system Commercial farming and regional specialization demanded The greater use of credit stimulated…

4 Early Industrialism Most manufacturing was still done at home
Process was changed “Put out” system Merchants owned raw materials and gave them to farm families to put together at home Textile industry Developed factory system Boston Manufacturing Co, in Lowell, MA.

5 Politics of Nation Building
Because of the absence of a two-party system after the War of 1812 Public accountability and the need for popular support diminished considerably Except for the Supreme Court, the national government became almost irrelevant to the domestic economy

6 The Republicans in Power
The Republicans did not need to follow a strict party line Republicans: Enacted high tariffs Established a national bank Republicans like Henry Clay wanted to adopt measures that would.. Make the nation economically self-sufficient American System Ultimate result: The two-party system was disrupted, leaving only an unorganized Republican Party

7 Monroe as President James Monroe was elected in 1816 & 1820
He was determined to preserve national harmony and awakened nationalism Challenges Panic of 1819, which brought an end to the postwar boom Missouri Compromise

8 The Missouri Compromise
Missouri applied for statehood in 1817 They would be a slave state (already 11 & 11), which would make the South overrepresented James Tallmadge of NY rejected unless MO. Abolished slavery COMPROMISE Missouri Slave State Maine Free State Congress banned slavery from any part of the Louisiana Purchase (except MO) above the latitude of 36 30’ Fundamental rift between the North and the South

9 The Marshall Court John Marshall served as chief justice of the Supreme Court In his court he strengthened the federal government by supporting a broad interpretation of its constitutional powers He believed the Constitution existed to protect the industrious Sought to protect individual property rights against government interference Limited the power of the states

10 Nationalism in Foreign Policy
When Spain’s colonies in Latin America rose in rebellion, the US responded favorably toward the new nations US empathized with nations because it reminded them of their quest for independence Europe felt the rebellion might prove contagious Grand Alliance 1814-monarchs of Europe joined together to protect “legitimate” governments Assumed purpose was to confront Napoleon’s armies during their retreat from Russia US and Britain were not a part because they found their own interests conflicted

11 The Monroe Doctrine John Quincy Adams persuaded President Monroe that the US alone should guarantee the independence of Mexico & other Latin American states Issued the Monroe Doctrine in 1823 Warns European nations to stay out of the Western Hemisphere. It was primarily aimed at the Grand Alliance It had no real effect when it was first proclaimed Indicated: America’s growing self-confidence

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