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Teaching for Understanding

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1 Teaching for Understanding
Sheila 9:00 MS – February 3rd HS – February 10th

2 Teaching Through Problem Solving
By teaching through rich mathematical tasks, students develop deep conceptual understanding and skill proficiency. Val and sheila Teaching Through Problem Solving

3 Rich Mathematical Tasks
Emphasize connections across mathematical content areas, to other disciplines, and especially to the real world Are accessible yet challenging to all Can be solved in several ways Encourage student engagement and communication Encourage the use of connected multiple representations Encourage the appropriate use of intellectual, physical, and technological tools Val and sheila Rich Mathematical Tasks

4 Entry Points How is a problem accessible to all kids?
What entry points do you see into this problem? What questions can be used to prompt students to look for entry points? What questions can be used to open students’ eyes to specific entry points? What are all the ways the task can be solved? Which of these methods do you think your students will use? What misconceptions might the students have? What errors might students make? Val and sheila Entry Points

5 Teaching Through Problem Solving
1: Pose the whole problem 2: Give time to explore the messiness of the problem, make conjectures 3: Focus on the big idea of the math – make explicit, public, talk about them 4: Make ideas visible by recording individual and group contribution 5: Closure, time for individual and collective reflection on what they have learned Gear 1 is #1 We want active listening Gear 2 is #2 To work independently Whole group discussion is #3, 4, 5 Explicit doesn’t mean telling the teacher’s ideas – it means marking the students’ ideas Examples: That’s important, can you say that again? Can you rephrase what Bill said? Can you put that into a different context? How does that conclusion relate to the work we did yesterday? Questions, Cues and Prompts - Here’s where you might want to refer to the list of questions that IPTV published Teaching Through Problem Solving

6 Where to start you hunt for Rich Tasks
Defined Stem Use 6-8 Math Performance Tasks Accident Scene Investigation 9-12 Math Performance Tasks – page 3 Marketing Analyst What is the big idea? How does this compare to the check list? With this task require team work? Where to start you hunt for Rich Tasks

7 Where to start your hunt for Rich Tasks
Where to start your hunt for Rich Tasks

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