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Presentation on theme: "EOC REVIEW STANDARD B-6 ECOLOGY"— Presentation transcript:


2 100 What is the difference between biotic and abiotic factors?

3 100 This is an interaction between species in which on species kills and eats the other.

4 100 This is a relationship that occurs when two or more organisms need the same resource at the same time.

5 100 This term refers to the role or an organism in the environment…including the type of food it eats, how it obtains food, and how it interacts with other organisms.

6 100 A symbiotic relationship in which both organisms benefit

7 100 A symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is not harmed or helped.

8 100 A symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits at the expense of the other. In general, the second organism is not killed.

9 100 This term refers to a group of organisms of the same species that live in a particular area.

10 100 This term refers to different types of species living in the same area.

11 100 This term refers to all of the biotic and abiotic factors that interact in a particular area.

12 100 This term refers to the portion of the atmosphere where life exists.

13 100 This term refers to anything that limits population growth.

14 100 Give an example of a density-dependent limiting factor.

15 100 Density independent limiting factors are usually biotic/abiotic factors?

16 200 What is the biggest difference between primary and secondary succession?

17 200 What are the pioneer species for primary succession?

18 200 What is the term for the mature community of plant and animal species that is the desired end result of succession?

19 200 What is the main way carbon is removed from the atmosphere (by producers)?

20 200 What are 2 ways that carbon is released back into the atmosphere?

21 200 Where is most nitrogen found, and in what form?

22 200 What living organisms play a major role in the nitrogen cycle, and what is their role?

23 200 What form of nitrogen is usable by plants and how do they “take it in”?

24 200 What is the process called when bacteria break down nitrogen compounds in the soil and release it back to the atmosphere as nitrogen gas?

25 200 What are the 4 main steps of the water cycle?

26 200 What drives the water cycle?

27 200 What is the greenhouse effect?

28 200 What are the greenhouse gases?

29 200 When there are too many greenhouse gases, Earth’s global temperature starts to rise as a result of what phenomenon?

30 300 What is the term used to describe the maximum number of individuals an environment can support?

31 300 What is it that helps determine the carry capacity for that environment?

32 300 What is the type of growth a population experiences when it is growing rapidly?

33 300 What type of growth curve shows the slowing of growth as the population reaches the carrying capacity?

34 300 What is one positive AND one negative impact technology has on Earth’s ecosystems?

35 300 What is the effect of when pollutants in the air combine with the water that falls to Earth as precipitation?

36 300 What is the difference between a non-renewable versus a renewable resource?

37 300 What is sustainable use?

38 300 What does it mean to be an umbrella species?

39 300 What are 3 ways that human population growth is impacting Earth’s ecosystems?

40 300 The pattern of increasing global temperatures has been found to correspond with an increase in what atmospheric gas?


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