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Mrs. Waninger’s Classroom

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Waninger’s Classroom"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Waninger’s Classroom
Back to School! Welcome to… Mrs. Waninger’s Classroom

2 What school supplies does my child need?
Pencils Backpack 2 glue sticks 1 pkg 3x3 post-it Notes Scissors Dry Erase Markers (2 or 3) Eraser 3 folders Crayons (24) Quart size ziploc bags 2 boxes of Kleenex 3 notebooks Small school box

3 What is the Daily Schedule like?
7:40-8:00 Morning Work 8:00-8:30 SSR/Read Aloud/Calendar Math 8:30-9:30 Guided Math 9:30-9:45 Recess 9:45-10:15 Whole Class Reading 10:15-11:15 Guided Reading 11:15-12:15 Lunch/Recess 12:15-1:00 Read Aloud/Writing 1:00-1:45 Special Area Class 1:45-2:30 Science/Soc. Studies 2:30-Dismissal Remediation/Enrichment/SSR

4 When are special area classes?
(All special area classes are at 1:00 PM except on Wednesdays) Monday – Music Tuesday – PE Wednesday – Library at 1:45 Thursday – Art Friday – Technology

5 How does the classroom operate?
Classroom Rules: Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Raise your hand to talk. Treat everyone the way you want to be treated. Be honest. Be responsible Do your jobs well. Turn your homework in on time. Stay organized. Behavior System Clip up/Clip down method Consequences Warning Responsibility Time Phone call to parent Principal’s office

6 What are your homework expectations like?
Your child WILL have some kind of homework every night Maximum of 30 minutes spent Homework is practice Always checked If not completed fully or do not have it…Supervised Study

7 How can I, as a parent, communicate with you, the teacher?
Call the school Send a note Check out my website: Set up a Meeting

8 What can I expect to be sent home this year?
Newsletters from me every other week. Progress reports Benchmark Reports Dibels reports IREAd reports SRI reports My child’s tests and assessments completed through the week. (Some tests will not be sent home; only result; to keep secure. Math Fact Fluency will be tested weekly. Check your child’s data to see results)

9 What can I do at home to help?
Help your child with his/her homework Read with your child 15 minutes every night (this could include the newspaper, a book, magazine, etc.) Read fluency passage every night Work on Addition/Subtraction facts (1-12) Encourage your child to do their personal best. Spend time building new vocabulary and background knowledge with your child (as you drive down the road, at the doctor’s office, grocery store, etc)

10 Any Questions? Thank you for coming. Have a safe trip home 

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