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Fascism in Italy Chapter 13 Section 3.

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1 Fascism in Italy Chapter 13 Section 3

2 Six Characteristics of Fascism
1. Personal Dictatorship Never before had one person controlled so many. 2. Intense Nationalism Militant, aggressive, intolerant. 3. Forcible Suppression of Dissent Censorship of ALL press; surveillance and spies. Critics severely punished.

3 Six Characteristics of Fascism
4. Mass Propaganda Radio, movies, press, art, & education used to promote total loyalty. 5. Bigger role of government Supports private ownership. Looks out for welfare of citizens, but citizens must fulfill needs of the state. 6. Racial Intolerance Ex: Anti-Semitism (anti-Jewish) ***FASCISM: The individual is not important. The needs of the state come first.

4 Fascism in Italy Italy devastated and dissatisfied with results of WWI. Labor strikes, unemployment, peasant revolts, chaos.

5 Benito Mussolini Once a socialist, but rejected socialism for intense nationalism during WWI. Organized a fascist party in 1919.

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