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Presentation on theme: "BELLRINGER."— Presentation transcript:


2 To Do Take Attendance on-line Collect Mini-Posters Supply check!
Talk about % signed up for

3 Lab Safety August 30, 2010

4 General Safety Equipment

5 Glass Breakage Procedure
Do NOT move from where the accident occurred Tell ME immediately. Once cleaned up, broken glass needs to go in the glass disposal bins at the back of the class.

6 Accident Procedure Notify ME calmly, but immediately
Wait to follow instructions

7 Lab Safety Video How do you smell chemicals?
What do you do if something gets in your eye?


9 MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
Tells us detailed information about the chemical we’ll be using in the lab There’s an “At a Glance” Section which abbreviates the Health Flammability Reactivity Special Conditions The higher the number, the more dangerous

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