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3.8 Articles.

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1 3.8 Articles

2 Translate the following sentences into Spanish: An ugly man.
Vamonos Translate the following sentences into Spanish: An ugly man. The thin girls A brown dog The nice family.

3 Anuncios Duolingo: 30 de Octubre Unit 3 Exam: 30 de Octubre
Proyecto: 27 & 28 de Octubre Quiz TOMORROW

4 SWBAT use indefinite articles
Nuestra Meta SWBAT use indefinite articles

5 Learning Target / Assessment Tool
By the end of the lesson, you’ll be able to say… I can identify nouns using articles in Spanish. By the end of the lesson, you’ll be able to… Correctly identify which articles are appropriate for certain nouns.

6 Vocabulary Review In one minute, list as many physical traits (IN SPANISH) about the picture.

7 Vocabulary Review Write the personality trait (IN SPANISH) that goes along with each picture.

8 Write the color in Spanish.
Vocabulary Review Write the color in Spanish.

9 Definite and Indefinite Articles

10 Review

11 This is the translation of “THE” One specific noun
Definite Articles This is the translation of “THE” One specific noun El = masculine singular La = Feminine singular Los = masculine plural Las = Feminine plural

12 Translation of “A” “An” or “Some” Unspecific
Indefinite Article Translation of “A” “An” or “Some” Unspecific Un = Masculine Singular Una = Feminine Singluar Unos = Masculine Plural Unas = Feminine Plural

13 Review

14 Review- Make sure you’ve got it!
Fill in the blanks! The tall man = ____ hombre alto A strong woman = ____ mujer fuerte. A red shirt = _____ camisa roja. A pair of green pants = _____ pantalones verdes. The boring male teacher = _____ maestro aburrido.

15 “Correct My Sentence!” Yo llevo las zapatos negros.
Below are five phrases that have either 1 or 2 things wrong. Write out each sentence and correct the mistake. Be able to explain the reason it is wrong. Yo llevo las zapatos negros. Ella lleva el pantalones verdes Mi madre lleva la falda azula Yo lleva un vestido rosada. Mi camiseta esta amarillo.

16 Translate the following sentences.
The boy is funny. The family is nice and tall. A short man. I am wearing a purple t-shirt. I am wearing the green dress. She is wearing the blue shoes.

17 Articles Bingo On a scratch piece of paper, draw a copy of the bingo board I have drawn on the board. We are going to play articles bingo. When you hear me read a sentence, mark the article that fills in the blank. When you have a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal line, yell out “Bingo!” Options for what to put on your bingo board (which should be 5 x 5 with a free space) are on the next slide!

18 Articles Bingo Rojo Anaranjado Amarillo Verde Azul Morado Rosado
Blanco Sombrero Corbata Camisa Camiseta Pantalones Zapatos Alto Rubia Morena Delgado Gordo Bonita Antipatico Simpatico Trabajador Inteligente Un Una Unos Unas El La Los Las Rojo - The color of the Georgia Bulldogs Anaranjado- Tigers are this color Amarillo- The McDonald’s arches are this color Verde- The color of grass Azul - The color of jeans Morado- If you mix red and blue you get… Rosado- What baby girls are typically dressed in Blanco- The color of snow Sombrero- When you go to a sports game, you might wear this on your head with your team’s logo Corbata- The president always wears one of these, and it’s usually red or blue. Camisa- You button this up Camiseta- A casual shirt Pantalones- You put these on one leg at a time Zapatos- Ronald McDonald wears these- they are bright red. Alta- Lebron James towers over the other players. He is _______. Rubia- Taylor Swift has this color hair. Morena- If you have dark hair and tan skin you would be _______. Delgado- If you eat your veggies and exercise, you’ll be ______ . Gordo- If you eat only sugar and watch hours of TV, you’ll be _______. Bonita- Girls curl their hair and wear makeup to be ______ . Antipatico- You might have this trait if you bully kids in the hallway. Simpatico - You might have this trait if you volunteer on the weekend. Trabajador- Jim works 12 hours a day in order to support his family. He is ______ . Inteligente- Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Albert Einstein were all _______ . Un - Masculine Singular Indirect Article Una- Feminine Singular Indirect Article Unos- Masculine Plural Indirect Article Unas- Feminine Plural Indirect Article El- Masculine Singular Direct Article La- Feminine Singular Direct Article Los- Masculine Plural Direct Article Las- Feminine Plural Direct Article

19 Extension… (opcional)
Cómo se escribe en español… My name is... Her name is... My favorite color is… His favorite color is… My name is… My friend is named Carlos.

20 Remember: Quiz Tomorrow!
Vocabulary: (colors, clothes, personality and physical traits) Articles Agreement (do your nouns and adjectives match up?)

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