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Facebook Profile Project

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1 Facebook Profile Project
Must be turned in by Friday, October 28th Where/When to Complete… 730 in the mornings in the Credit Recovery Lab 750 in the mornings in the Library SSR After school in the school library/public library At home

2 Deep Thought Question October 24th, 2011
Louis XIV (the king we watched a video about last week) was the king of what country? Suppose you invented a new product or formulated a major scientific discovery. How do you expect to be treated by others? Objectives I can contrast the heliocentric and geocentric theories, and name the two men who worked to support the heliocentric theory. I can explain how the heliocentric theory helped lead to the downfall of the Catholic Church.

3 A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
Random Fact of the Day… A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.

4 Make sure to turn these things in!
Peter the Great Video Guide Ivan The Terrible Learning Stations Sheet Louis XIV and Palace of Versailles Video Guide Charles II Incest Packet

5 Introduction 1300-1600 = a time of great change in Europe
The Renaissance inspired a curiosity in many fields Scholars began to question ideas. The Reformation prompted scholars to challenge accepted ways to think about God While the Reformation was taking place, another revolution in European thought had begun

6 A New Way of Thinking Mid-1500s, a few scholars published works that challenged old ideas New theories replaced old assumptions Launched a change in European thought known as the Scientific Revolution The Scientific Revolution was a change in study


8 The Medieval View The Earth was: immovable the center of the universe.
Everything revolved around the Earth This view is known as geocentric theory Aristotle’s idea Ptolemy expanded theory The Church taught that God had deliberately placed the earth at the center

9 A Revolutionary Model of the Universe
A small group of scholars began to question geocentric theory…

10 The Heliocentric Theory
Nicolaus Copernicus Sun was center of the universe Planets & stars revolved around the Sun Known as the heliocentric theory

11 Heliocentric Theory (cont.)
Problems: Did not explain why Went against religious views Did not publish his book until right before he died in 1543

12 Why would Copernicus wait until he died to publish his book?
Discussion Question Why would Copernicus wait until he died to publish his book?

13 Galileo Galilei Built on new theories about astronomy.
Wrote Starry Messenger Described his observations from his self-made telescope Challenged by the church because it supported the heliocentric theory & it went against church teaching

14 Skit Questions Answer these on a separate sheet of paper
Skit Questions Answer these on a separate sheet of paper. Write the questions please. What is the Inquisition Court trying to ban? What does Galileo think Firenzuola and the Court is mostly concerned with? What is Galileo’s punishment? What does Galileo have to do to be forgiven?


16 Response Questions Write on the same sheet as the Skit Questions and turn in to the Box…DO NOT WRITE Q’S Describe the difference between the heliocentric and geocentric theories. Who were the two men associated with the heliocentric theory? Why did the Catholic Church punish Galileo for promoting the heliocentric theory? From the reading… What year did the Catholic Church admit they were wrong in the Galileo case (hint: see the top) What excuse did the Pope give the “17th-century theologians” for deciding against Galileo?

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