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First Day of School! August 26, 2014

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Presentation on theme: "First Day of School! August 26, 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 First Day of School! August 26, 2014 OBJECTIVE: Students will learn the rules and procedures for our classroom in order to discuss the expectations of an Advanced Placement class and study the history and research methods of Psychology. WARM UP 1. Quietly, fill out your Student Information Sheet. HOMEWORK Begin work on your Unit 1 Cornell Notes. Publicity Release Forms, ASAP. QUIZ – Tuesday, 9/2/2014 on Unit 1 Vocabulary

2 Today’s Agenda Warm Up: Complete Student Info. Sheet.
Review Class Syllabus, Rules, and Procedures. Turn in Summer Assignment in exchange for class textbook. Closing: Write 1 copy of your A/B Day Schedule

3 What you need to bring to class…
The Basics! What you need to bring to class… Binder AP Psych Textbook Pens / Pencils

4 CLASS RULES Come to class, prepared, everyday.
Try your best and NO OPT OUT! Always practice S.L.A.N.T. When speaking, raise your hand! Follow our classroom expectations. Follow school rules and procedures. Always show RESPECT for each other.

AP Psychology 2014: 5r4fm3

6 REMEMBER… Sign up for Join the Edmodo Group.
Sign up for Remind101. READ AND START NOTES. If you did not do your Summer Assignment, your Guidance Counselor and be on the lookout for changing your schedule.

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