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Warm Up – December 19 Number 1 – 10 on a post it.

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1 Warm Up – December 19 Number 1 – 10 on a post it

2 Civics and Economics Final Exam Review

3 Question 1 The case of Marbury v. Madison (1803) established the principle that: A. the Supreme Court can declare federal laws unconstitutional B. the states have power over the federal government C. the president nominates federal judges D. Congress can override presidential vetoes Defense Spending Bill”

4 Question 2 Which action is an example of judicial review?
A. Congress increased the number of justices on the Supreme Court. B. The Supreme Court declared part of the Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional. C. The Supreme Court heard a case involving a United States ambassador. D. The Chief Justice presided over the impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson.

5 Question 3 The term federalism is best described as the:
A. division of power between the national government and state governments B. creation of a two-house legislature in the national government C. method of reviewing laws and executive actions D. establishment of three branches of government

6 Question 4 In civil cases, the injured party who brings an action against an alleged offender is the: A. Defendant B. Plaintiff C. Prosecutor D. District Attorney

7 Question 5 All of the following are duties of the Judicial Branch EXCEPT: A. Settling legal disputes B. Punishing violators of the law C. Ensure the accused have due process of law D. Executing Laws

8 Question 6 Jurisdiction provides the answer to which of the following questions? A. What cases go to which Court? B. Is the case a criminal or civil case? C. Has a law been broken? D. Is the crime committed a felony or misdemeanor?

9 Question 7 Senators represent:
A. The people in their congressional district B. The people in their state C. The registered voters in their political party D. The issues that are only important to registered voters in the state that the senator represents

10 Question 8 All of the following are requirements to be elected to the House of Representatives EXCEPT: A. 25 Years old B. Citizen of the United States for 7 years C. Be a Resident of the State they represent D. Be a Resident of the District that they represent

11 Question 9 Laws that deal with spending money, regulating trade and foreign relations are all: A. Implied Powers B. Expressed Powers C. Legislative Powers D. Powers Denied to Congress

12 Question 10 The Federal Bureaucracy carries out programs of Congress in all of the following ways EXCEPT: A. They put new laws into effect B. They administer day to day operations of the government C. They make and approve laws introduced in Congress D. They regulate various industries and businesses

13 Final Exam Trivia Four Rounds -
1st Round – every question is worth 5 pts. (Multiple Choice) 2nd Round – every question is worth 10 pts. (Multiple Choice) 3rd Round – every question is worth 20 pts. (Multiple Choice) 4th Round – every question is worth 40 pts. (No Multiple Choice) Last question of each round for rounds 1-3 are not multiple choice – you do not need to answer but if you do and you miss it – you lose all your points for that round Last question of the game after round 4 – if you answer and you miss it – you lose your points for the whole game

14 Round 1 – Question 1 (5 pts) John Locke’s biggest influence on American thinking and government was that: A. He believed government should be separated into the executive, legislative, and judicial branches B. He believed that government and law making should be controlled by the people. C. He believed in natural rights and that every individual should have the right to life, liberty and property D. He became a character on the show “LOST”

15 Round 1 – Question 2 (5 pts) In the publication Common Sense, Thomas Paine argued that the American colonies should: A. approve the Treaty of Paris (1763) B. ratify the Constitution of the United States C. end their political relationship with Great Britain D. support the policies of King George III

16 Round 1 – Question 3 (5 pts) One way in which the Declaration of Independence (1776) and the original United States Constitution (1789) are similar is that both documents: A. Include a specific bill of rights B. Guarantee voting rights to all persons C. List grievances against the British monarchy D. State that government receives its power from the people

17 Round 1 – Question 4 (5 pts) Which headline is reporting the clearest example of the United States Constitution’s system of checks and balances? A. “Environmental Protection Agency Proposes Stricter Air Pollution Controls” B. “Supreme Court Rules on Arizona Immigration Law” C. “President Vetoes Defense Spending Bill” D. “California Passes Strict Gun Control Law”

18 Round 1 – FINAL QUESTION Do not need to answer but if you do and you are correct – you double your points – If you miss it – you lose all your points for this round. Supreme Court case that held that flag burning constitutes a form of "symbolic speech" that is protected by the First Amendment TEXAS v. JOHNSON

19 Round 2 – Question 1 (10 pts) The amendment process was included in the Constitution to: A. allow for change over time B. expand the powers of the president C. increase citizen participation in government D. limit the authority of the United States Supreme Court

20 Round 2 – Question 2 (10 pts) What is one feature of the political system created by the original Constitution of the United States? A. guaranteeing equal legal rights to all persons B. requiring the federal government to maintain a balanced budget C. dividing powers between the national and state governments D. granting more power to the executive branch than to the other branches of government

21 Round 2 – Question 3 (10 pts) Which of the following is NOT a function of political parties? A. Recruit and Nominate Candidates B. Educate electorate about campaign issues C. Hold Primary Elections D. Oppose and resist leadership if the opposing party’s candidate is elected to office

22 Round 2 – Question 4 (10 pts) Which of the following is a result of the Electoral College System? A. The winner of the presidency often lacks a majority of the popular vote. B. Candidates focus on one party states in which they can win most of the electoral votes C. Candidates focus on states with the largest populations D. Campaign spending increases because candidates emphasize television advertising

23 Round 2 – FINAL QUESTION Do not need to answer but if you do and you are correct – you double your points – If you miss it – you lose all your points for this round. Term to describe public meetings held at a specific time where If you leave the meeting your vote doesn’t count. CAUCUS

24 Halftime Bonus Question:
For 50 Bonus Points – if you answer and get it wrong – you will not lose points Describe the precedent set in each of the following cases: Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier Mapp v. Ohio Tinker v. Des Moines TLO v. New Jersey Marbury v. Madison Engel v. Vitale Escobedo v. Illinois Texas v. Johnson Gideon v. Wainwright

25 Supreme Court Cases Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier – Schools can censor their own school newspapers Mapp v. Ohio – search and seizure applies to states Tinker v. Des Moines - right to free speech applies to school (students are allowed to protest the Vietnam War) TLO v. New Jersey - Schools do not need a search warrant to search students belongings Marbury v. Madison - established principle of judicial review Engel v. Vitale - students would recite the pledge and a prayer, violated freedom of religion Escobedo v. Illinois - established that the accused must know that they are allowed to speak to their lawyers Texas v. Johnson - US cannot prohibit freedom of speech in regards to protection of American emblems (the flag) Gideon v. Wainwright- Gideon was charged with breaking and entering with the intent to commit a misdemeanor, which is a felony under the under Florida law. Precedent - Right to an attorney

26 Round 3 – Question 1 (20 pts) Why do responsible consumers use credit or credit cards? A. to make minor purchases without using cash B. to obtain the highest amount of points on a mortgage C. to avoid mortgage insurance when buying a home D. to establish a good credit score for getting a loan

27 Round 3 – Question 2 (20 pts) How could a national economy achieve a favorable balance of trade? A. by increasing its money supply to surpass a trade deficit B. by meeting its trade quotas with its industrial output C. by importing goods equal in value to its exports D. by exporting more than it imports

28 Round 3 – Question 3 (20 pts) The role of the Subcommittee in the law making process in both the House and Senate is to: A. Vote on bill, if it passes it goes to the President. B. Issue a rule to govern debate on the floor. Sends it to the Full House. C. Study the bill, hold hearings, and debate provisions. Marks up the bill. If it passes goes to Committee. D. Debate the bill and may amend it. If it is different from the Senate version, it must go to a Conference Committee.

29 Round 3 – Question 4 (20 pts) In contemplating the causes which may disturb our Union, it occurs as matter of serious concern that any ground should have been furnished for characterizing parties by Geographical discriminations, Northern and Southern, Atlantic and Western; whence designing men may endeavour to excite a belief that there is a real difference of local interests and views. One of the expedients of party to acquire influence within particular districts is to misrepresent the opinions and aims of other districts. You cannot shield yourselves too much against the jealousies and heart-burnings which spring from these misrepresentations; they tend to render alien to each other those who ought to be bound together by fraternal affection. George Washington’s Farewell Address, 1796

30 Round 3 – Question 4 (20 pts) How did the country′s leaders respond to George Washington′s warnings against political parties? A. His views that political parties were not mentioned in the U.S. Constitution slowed their growth for a century. B. His views were largely ignored and political parties rose in prominence to dominate the political system. C. His views on political parties created stalemates in the election process. D. His views gained enough support to prevent the formation of viable third parties.

31 Round 3 – FINAL QUESTION Do not need to answer but if you do and you are correct – you double your points – If you miss it – you lose all your points for this round. Type of jury that determines whether there is “probable cause” to believe the individual has committed a crime and should be put on trial GRAND JURY

32 Round 4 - Question 1 (40 pts) General Election
Fill in the blank in the following timeline: Primary Elections National Nominating Convention ________________________ Electoral College Vote General Election

33 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Round 4 - Question 2 (40 pts) An economic indicator that is a measure of the economy’s output. Includes the dollar amount of all final goods and services produced in a country in a year. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

34 Round 4 - Question 3 (40 pts) Demand
Term to describe the willingness of consumers to buy goods and services Demand

35 Round 4 - Question 4 (40 pts) Governor
It is the Sheriffs’ primary responsibility is to enforce laws at the local level. Who is responsible for enforcing laws at the state level? Governor

36 Final Question Do not have to answer
If you answer and you get it right – double your points If you answer and you miss it – go to zero NEED TO PROVIDE FIRST AND LAST NAME – SPELLED CORRECTLY

37 Who is this?

38 Governor Roy Cooper

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