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Counting Shapes Green Triangle Tan Rhombus Blue Parallelogram

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Presentation on theme: "Counting Shapes Green Triangle Tan Rhombus Blue Parallelogram"— Presentation transcript:

1 Counting Shapes Green Triangle Tan Rhombus Blue Parallelogram
Orange Square Yellow Hexagons Red Trapezoids

2 A bug of a time This activity your going to do on the computer.
Head over the computer only if it free and play the game counting bugs. You with have 15 minutes to play the game. Start by click on the lady bug and it take you right to the game.

3 Just For Fun Choose from one the following activities.
Write your Name. Take your time. Make it beautiful. Write on the bottom what it is? Then turn into the inbox and check your name off that you did the activity.

4 Matching Fancy Place the game on the table.
The cards should all be face down. Mix them up so you cant see them. Then start playing the game trying to match the number with the picture. Example: you find the number 1 then you must find the object that as only 1 in it like one pumpkin.

5 Farm Animal Friends Using the flash cards practices numbers 1-10.
As you look at the picture say out the number out loud and then spell it. Turn it over to see if your correct. Repeat this progress for all ten numbers. Then repeat the flash cards you miss. When your finished make a check mark on the activity sheet.

6 How many different colors can you find?
Using the unifix cubes find different ways to show number 6. Example : if have the number 1 you would draw 1 unifix cube for every color in the unifix cube bag. Then draw and color in to show how you did it. Once you are done turn it into the inbox and check your activity off.

7 Countdown to Fun Grade Level: Kindergarten
State Standard : Number Sense 1.2: Count, recognize, represent, name, and order a number of objects ( up to 30) Goal : For individual student to growth by practices counting , recognize, represent, name, and order a number of objects up to 10. Motivation: Is for children learn and practices numbers in a fun without have to be teacher direct. Meaningful: For students that need more of hands on approached. This leaning center will enable them to receive their special attention they need. It will also help students that need extra help on more individual base. This also will enable me as the teacher to move on to next level with my advance or gate students. Manipulates: that are used is flash cards, unifix cubes, worksheet, computer, and pattern blocks. Assessment: All student will be assess or manage by the turning in of all activities that our completed into inbox.

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